SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming
Spring Semester, 2003
Double Dispatch
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© 2003, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 24-Mar-03

Contents of Doc 13, Double Dispatch


Ralph Johnson’s Object-Oriented Programming & Design lecture notes, Polymorphism (Day 5)

VisualWorks Source Code

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 2

Double Dispatch

Multiplication Motivation

Integer * Integer
   Primitive integer * integer operation

Integer * Float
   Convert integer to float
   Use primitive float * float operation
Float * Integer
   Convert integer to float
   Use primitive float * float operation
Integer * Matrix
   Multiple each element of Matrix by integer
Matrix * Integer
   Multiple each element of Matrix by integer
Integer * Fraction
   Multiple Fraction numerator by integer 

Actual operation depends on the type of both arguments

How to implement?

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 3
Double Dispatch

Integer>>+ aNumber 
   “We do not know what aNumber is”
   “Send message to aNumber telling it we are an integer”
   ^aNumber sumFromInteger: self

Float>>sumFromInteger: anInteger
   “Now we know the type of the receiver and sender
   Do the correct thing for this pair”
   ^anInteger asFloat + self
Float+ aNumber 
   "Answer a Float that is the result of adding the receiver to the argument.  
   The primitive fails if it cannot coerce the argument to a Float"
   <primitive: 41>
   ^aNumber sumFromFloat: self
Double>>sumFromInteger: anInteger
   ^anInteger asDouble + self

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 4

3 + 2.5

Integer>>+ aNumber 
   ^aNumber sumFromInteger: self


2.5 sumFromInteger: 3

Float>>sumFromInteger: anInteger
   ^anInteger asFloat + self

3.0 + 2.5

Float+ aNumber 
   <primitive: 41>
   ^aNumber sumFromFloat: self
primitve 41 adds 3.0 and 2.5 and returns 5.5

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 5
Triple Dispatching?

Why does Float>>sumFromInteger: send another message?

It has all the information it needs

It could perform the operation there, but it is easier to just call +

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 6
Adding a New Type Of Arithmetic Value

New type X

Add primary methods: + - / *

Add double displatching methods

Same with quotentFrom, productFrom, differenceFrom

Existing Types

Add double displatching methods

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 7
Shared Responsibilities

Sometimes an operation depends on the class of several objects

Arthmetic – depends on the types of both arguments

Displaying object - depends on type of object and windowing system

Doc 13, Double Dispatch Slide # 8

Singleton - One Instance

Sometimes need to insure only one instance of a Class

Smalltalk defineClass: #SingletonExample
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: ''
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'uniqueInstance '
   imports: ''
   category: 'CS535'

SingletonExample class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

   uniqueInstance ifNil: [uniqueInstance := self basicNew].

   "Force all creation access through current to insure only one instance"

   self shouldNotImplement 

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2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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