SDSU CS 683 Emerging Technologies: Embracing Change
Spring Semester, 2001
Starting Squeak
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© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 30-Jan-01

Contents of Doc 2, Starting Squeak


Squeak Smalltalk: A Quick Reference, Andrew C. Greenberg,

Object-Oriented Design with Smalltalk — a Pure Object Language and its Environment, Ducasse, University of Bern, Lecture notes 2000/2001,

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, Prentice Hall, 1997


Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications, Guzdial, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 sections 2.1- 2.3

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 2

Learning Squeak

To learn Squeak one must master:

While Smalltalk syntax is simple it is not like C/C++/Java

Requires more effort to learn at first, but worth the effort

Squeak has a large library of useful code
Don't code without it

This is the hardest part

Smalltalker's have standard ways to code & solve problems
See Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns by Kent Beck

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 3
Squeak & Bytecode

Squeak Smalltalk is compiled to a bytecode for a virtual machine language

Squeak's virtual machine (VM) interprets the bytecode

Squeak has VM's for:

Windows 98/95, NT, ME, CE, DOS
Macintosh, OS X
Unix: DEC Alpha, HPUX, Linix, NetBSD, SGI, Sun
Be OS, OS/2
PDAs: Zaurus, Acorn RiscOS, DEC Itsy

Squeak can be used to develop applications for Palm Pilot

Squeak plugins for IE and Netscape allow Squeaklets run in web browsers

Squeak does have a just-in-time compiler. I do not know if it is in the main distribution yet.

Just-in-time compilers
Compile bytecode to native machine code
Cache the native machine code
Run the native machine code
Usually runs faster than interpreting bytecode

Smalltalk started using just-in-time compilers in early 1980s

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 4

Parts of Squeak

Executable Virtual Machine (Squeak, Squeak.exe)

This is the VM that interprets Squeak bytecode


Source code for most of Squeak class library


Source code for changes & new classes


Bytecode of sources that are executed
At first the image will appear to be an IDE for Squeak

As you use Squeak the image file will change. When you make changes to code they are saved in the change file. At some point you will want to start over with a clean copy of the image. Before you use Squeak make a backup copy of the image file and the changes file. When you want a fresh copy of the image, use copies of the backups.

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 5

Starting Squeak

You can download Squeak at:

Starting Squeak on Windows

Method 1

Drag and drop the Squeak image file on the Squeak application or Squeak.exe
Method 2

Double click on the Squeak image file
The first time you do this you may get a dialog asking for the application to run Squeak. Select the Squeak application or Squeak.exe

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 6
Starting Squeak on Macintosh

Method 1

Drag and drop the Squeak image file on the Squeak VM
Method 2

Double click on the Squeak image file

Starting Squeak on UNIX

squeak squeakImageFilename

where you need to replace squeakImageFilename with the actual name of the image file you wish to run

You path has to be set to include the program squeak

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 7
Running Squeak on Campus

Squeak is available in the Love Library computer lab and in BA 120. BA-120 is not yet open. I have not yet used Squeak on the Macs in Love Library lab.

Squeak is not available on Rohan. Squeak runs fine on UNIX. However, updating Squeak windows on the x-terms on campus is painfully slow. There is too much traffic to the X-term labs to usefully run Squeak there. (I also find KDE too slow to use in the lab - why do students still use it?)

Squeak in Love Library Computer lab - PC

Squeak is in two locations on each PC in the lab.


The G drive is a network drive. The Squeak files on this drive are read only. This will cause problems when you save the image or make any code changes. So do not use this copy of Squeak. Unfortunately this copy of Squeak is referenced in the start menu. Do not use that.

Use the copy of Squeak on the C drive. The copy on the C drive is read/write accessible. This means that if you use Squeak and make changes, the next user will see your changes. This may confuse them and allow them to copy your work. Use clean copies of the image and change files (you can copy them from the G drive). When you are done remove your working copy of the image and change files. We will see later how to save your work.

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 8

Squeak Smalltalk Syntax

The Xerox team spent 10 years developing Smalltalk

They thought carefully about the syntax of the language

Smalltalk syntax is

Basic Rules

Everything in Smalltalk is an object

All actions are done by sending a message to an object

Every object is an instance of a class

All classes have a parent class

Object is the root class

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 9
Entire Language Example From Ralph Johnson

exampleWithNumber: x
   “This is a small method that illustrates every part of Smalltalk method syntax
   except primitives, which aren’t very standard. It has unary, binary, and key
   word messages, declares arguments and temporaries (but not block temporaries),
   accesses a global variable (but not and instance variable), uses literals (array,
   character, symbol, string, integer, float), uses the pseudo variable true false,
   nil, self, and super, and has sequence, assignment, return and cascade. It has both
   zero argument and one argument blocks. It doesn’t do anything useful, though”

   | y |
   true & false not & (nil isNil) ifFalse: [self halt].
   y := self size + super size.
   #($ a #a ‘a’ 1 1.0)
      do: [:each | Transcript
            	show: (each class name);
            	show: (each printString);
            	show: ‘ ‘].
   ↑ x < y

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 10

Sample Program

"A Sample comment"
| a b |
a ← 'this is a string'.         "← (left arrow)is assignment"
a ←  'this is '' a string that contains 
   a single quote and a newline'.
a ← 'concat' , 'inate'.
a := 5.                     ":= is assignment"
a := 1 + "comments ignored"  1.
b := 2 raisedTo: 5.
↑a + b                     "↑ (up arrow) means return"

Type the '^' character to get ↑ (up arrow)

Type the '_' underbar character to get ← (left arrow)

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 11


Squeak has two ways to indicate an assignment

← is the '_' underbar character (shift-hyphen)

The arrow character ← rather expressive. It is not on the standard keyboard, so Squeak displays _ character as the left arrow character. As a result you can not use the _ character in variable names in Squeak. Other versions of Smalltalk no longer use this symbol. Select one way to indicate assignment and use it consistently. Do not mix them as in the above program. In these notes I will use := just because it is easier to display in Squeak and html.

Multiple Assignments

Assignment statements return values!

| a b |
a := b := 3 + 4.

a and b now contain 7

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 12
Statement Separator

| cat dog |
cat := 5.
dog := cat + 2

A period is used as a statement separator

A period is optional after the last statement

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 13

An identifier (any name) in Squeak is of the form:

letter (letter | digit )*


| cat dog |
cat := 5.
dog := cat + 2.

Vertical bars at the top of a program declare variables

Variables must be declared

All variables are references to objects

Variables are initialized to nil

As we will see numbers in Smalltalk are objects. Internally references to objects require pointers. Always using a pointer to refer to a number would slow arithemitic operations. Most Smalltalk virtual machines will store numbers directly in a variable. At the programming level one does not see any difference in how numbers and other objects are handled.

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 14


In most languages >, if else are hard coded in the grammar

In Smalltalk operations are defined as methods in a class

+ is a method in the Integer class
In 3 + 4, + is a message sent to the integer 3

Using messages rather than hard coded grammar makes

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 15
Three type of Messages

1 + 2
12 / 6
12.3 printString
'123' asNumber
'Hi mom' copyFrom: 1 to: 3

All messages contain:

Messages always return a value

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 16

Unary Messages

aReceiver aSelector
12 factorial
12 is the receiver
factorial is the selector
returns 479001600

'this is a string' reversed
'this is a string' is the receiver
reversed is the selector
returns 'gnirts a si siht'

'12345' isAllDigits
returns true

Each class in Smalltalk defines its own unary methods

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 17

Binary Messages

aReceiver aSelector anArgument

2 + 4
2 is the receiver
+ is the selector
4 is the argument
returns 6

Binary selectors are

+ - / \ * ~ < > = @ % | & ! ? ,
Second character is never -

Using the above rules you can create your own binary messages in Smalltalk. You can make @? a binary method in a class.

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 18

Keyword Messages

receiver keyword1: argument1 keyword2: argument2 ...

12 min: 6
12 is the receiver
min: is a selector with only one keyword
6 is the argument
returns 6

'this is a string' copyFrom: 1 to: 7 
'this is a string' is the receiver
copyFrom:to: is the selector with two keywords
1 and 7 are the arguments
returns 'this is'

'this is a string' 
   findString: 'string' 
   startingAt: 4 
   caseSensitive: true

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 19


First unary messages are parsed left to right
Binary messages are parsed left to right after unary messages
Keyword messages are parsed after binary messages
Parenthesis change the order of evaluation

3 + 4 * 2
3 + (4 * 2)
5 + 3 factorial
(5 + 3) factorial
'12' asNumber + 2

Arithmetical operations do not use normal mathematical precedence rules

Parenthesis must be used to separate multiple keyword messages in one statement

'this is a string' reversed
   findString: ('the cat is white' copyFrom: 9 to: 10)
   startingAt: 1 + 2
caseSensitive: 2 + 2 = 4

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 20

Special output window
Similar in purpose to Java's System.out and C++'s out

Useful Transcript messages:

open the window
clear the window
show: aString
display aString in the window
nextPutAll: aString
add aString to the display buffer
put contents of display buffer in window
empty the buffer
tab   cr   space   crtab   crtab: anInteger
put given character in the display buffer

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 21
Sample Program
Transcript open.
Transcript show: 'This is a test'.
Transcript cr.
Transcript show: 'Another line'.
Transcript tab.
Transcript show: 12.3.
Transcript cr.
Transcript show: 'The end'.

Result of Running Program

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 22

Cascading Messages

receiver selector1 [arg] ; selector2 [arg] ; ...

A cascade sends multiple messages to the same receiver

Messages are sent from left to right to the same receiver

   show: 'This is a test';
   show: 'Another line';
   show: 12.3;
   show: 'The end'.

Doc 2, Starting Squeak Slide # 23
Cascade Versus Compound Messages

'hi mom' reversed asUppercase
'hi mom' reversed; asUppercase


In a compound message each message is sent to the result of the previous message

'hi mom' reversed asUppercase

First send reversed to 'hi mom'
The result is 'mom ih'
Now send asUppercase to 'mom ih'


In a cascade message each message is sent to the same receiver

'hi mom' reversed; asUppercase

First send reversed to 'hi mom'
The result is not used
Now send asUppercase to 'hi mom'

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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