SDSU CS 535: Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 1997
Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 05-Oct-97

Contents of Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism

  1. References
  2. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    1. Simplistic Example
    2. Finding Classes
    3. Relationships Between Classes
      1. Is-kind-of, is-a, is-a-type-of
      2. is-analogous-to
      3. is-part-of or has-a
    4. Banking Classes


R. J. Abbott, "Programming Design by Informal English Descriptions", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 26, No 11, November 1983, pp. 882 - 894

Grady Booch, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, 1994

Mark Lorenz, Object-Oriented Software Development: A Practical Guide, 1993, Appendix I Measures and Metrics

Johnson, Ralph E. and Foote, Brain, "Designing Reusable Classes," Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, pages 22-35, June/July 1988.

Shlaer, S. and Mellor, S.J., Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World In Data, Yourdon Press: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 1

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Simplistic Example

Last Federal Virtual Bank wants its entire banking software redone in Java, so it can shut down its branch offices and perform all its business via the WWW.

Customer records include the customers name, address, personal information, passwords, etc. and accounts.

The bank offers various types of accounts: checking, savings, CD, Junior savings accounts.

Bank officers will introduce new types of accounts from time to time.

Checking account charge 12 cents/check unless the average account balance for the month is greater than $1,000. The first three ATM transactions per month are free. Additional ATM transactions cost 50 cents.

All transactions over $1,000 dollars must be reported to the federal government.

Junior savings accounts are for children under the age of 13. Children can deposit any amount into the account. Deposits of over $100 are reported to their parents. Children can withdrawal up to $10 from the account. Individual withdrawals over $10 must be verified by a parent. Total withdrawals over $100 per month are reported to the parents.

Transactions include time & date, amount, location, type of transaction, account number and teller.

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 2

Finding Classes


"In an English description of the problem, the nouns are candidates for objects; the verbs are candidates for operations."

Look at these phrases. Some will be obvious classes, some will be obvious nonsense, and some will fall between obvious and nonsense. Skip the nonsense, keep the rest. The goal is a list of candidate objects. Some items in the list will be eliminated, others will be added later. Finding good objects is a skill, like finding a good functional decomposition.

"The tangible things in problem domain, the roles they play, and the events that may occur form the candidate classes and object of our design."

Printers Airplanes

File Bank Account

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 3

Categories may become abstract classes
Keep them as individual classes at this point

User interfaces
Interfaces to other programs
Height of a rectangle
Height is an attribute of rectangle

Value of height is a number

Rectangle can record its height

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 4
Finding Classes Other Views
Coad and Yourdon

"Kind of" and "part of" relationships

Other systems
External systems with which the application interacts

Devices with which the application interacts

Events remembered
Historical event that must be recorded

Roles played
Different roles users play in interacting with application

Physical locations, offices and sites important to the application
Organizational units

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 5

Humans who carry out some function

Areas set aside for people or things
Fields on farm

Physical objects or groups of objects
leaves roots

Formally organized collections of people, resources, facilities
farm crew

Principles or ideas not tangible

Things that happen

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 6
Shaler & Mellor[3]

Tangible things
telemetry data




Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 7

Relationships Between Classes

Is-kind-of or is-a
is-part-of or has-a
Is-kind-of, is-a, is-a-type-of

Let A and B be classes

To determine if A should be the parent class of B ask:
Is B an A ( or is B a type of A, or is B a kind of A)

If the answer is no, then do not A the parent of B

If the answer is yes, then consider making A the parent of B
Example 1 Bank Accounts

A JuniorSavingsAccount is a type of a SavingsAccount

So consider making JuniorSavingsAccount a subclass of SavingsAccount

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 8

Is-kind-of, is-a, is-a-type-of

Example 2 Employees

Consider Employee, Manager, Engineer, and FileClerk

A Manager is a kind of an Employee

So should we make Employee a parent class of a Manager class?

Is Manager a class or a role that an Employee object will play?
Does Manager contain data or operations that Employee does not?
If no, then Manager is likely a role for an Employee object
class Employee { //lots of stuff here not shown }

class Driver
   public static void main( String[] args )
      Employee manager = new Employee( "Roger" );
      Employee fileClerk = new Employee( "Smith" );


Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 9
Example 2 Employees - Continued

If Manager, etc are classes then several options:
Option 1 Direct inheritance
class Employee 
   // stuff not shown

class Manager extends Employee
   // stuff not shown


Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 10
Option 2 Separate Inheritance Structure
class Employee 
   Role position;

   // stuff not shown

class Role
   // stuff not shown

class Manager extends Role
   // stuff not shown

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 11


If class X is-analogous-to class Y then look for superclass

Example BankAccounts

A checking account is analogous to a saving account

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 12

is-part-of or has-a

If class A is-part-of class B then there is no inheritance

Some negotiation between A and B for responsibilities may be needed
Example: Linked-List class and a Stack

A stack uses a linked-list in its implementation

A stack has a linked-list

So the Stack class and the LinkedList class are separate classes
class LinkedList
   public void addFront( Object item) { // not shown}

   public Object removeFront() { // not shown}

   public Object removeEnd() { // not shown}

class Stack
   LinkedList   stackElements = new LinkedList();

   public void push( Object item )
      stackElements.addFront( item);

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 13
A Common Mistake

Using inheritance with a is-part-of (has-a) relation between classes
class LinkedList
   // fields not shown

   public void addFront( Object item) { // not shown}

   public Object removeFront() { // not shown}

   public Object removeEnd() { // not shown}

class Stack extends LinkedList
   public void push( Object item )
      addFront( item);
class Test
   public static void main( String[] arguments)
      Stack problem = new Stack();

      problem.push( "Hi");
      problem.push( "Mom" );
      problem.removeEnd();   // ????

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 14

Banking Classes




Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 15
abstract class account {

   public static final boolean VALID = true;

   protected Customer accountOwner;
   protected Currency   balance;
   protected Stack accountHistory;

   // Other fields left out

   public void processTransaction( Transaction accountActivity ) {
      if ( validateTransaction( accountActivity ) == VALID )

         commitTransaction( accountActivity );


         // report the problem. Code not shown

   protected abstract boolean validateTransaction( Transaction 

   protected abstract void commitTransaction( Transaction 

   // other methods left out

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 16
Account Class Inheritance

Doc 12, Inheritance & Polymorphism Slide # 17
Account  newCustomer;

newCustomer = magicFunctionToCreateNewAccount()

newCustomer.processTransaction( amount );

Which processTransaction is called?

Adding new types of accounts to program requires:
Adding new subclasses
Changing code that creates objects

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