SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2001
Basic Smalltalk Syntax
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 04-Sep-01

Contents of Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax


Object-Oriented Design with Smalltalk — a Pure Object Language and its Environment, Ducasse, University of Bern, Lecture notes 2000/2001,

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, Prentice Hall, 1997

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 2

Basic Smalltalk Syntax

The Xerox team spent 10 years developing Smalltalk

They thought carefully about the syntax of the language

Smalltalk syntax is

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 3

The Rules

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 4
Entire Language ExampleFrom

exampleWithNumber: x
   “This is a small method that illustrates every part of Smalltalk method syntax
   except primitives, which aren’t very standard. It has unary, binary, and key
   word messages, declares arguments and temporaries (but not block temporaries),
   accesses a global variable (but not and instance variable), uses literals (array,
   character, symbol, string, integer, float), uses the pseudo variable true false,
   nil, self, and super, and has sequence, assignment, return and cascade. It has both
   zero argument and one argument blocks. It doesn’t do anything useful, though”
   | y |
   true & false not & (nil isNil) ifFalse: [self halt].
   y := self size + super size.
   #($ a #a ‘a’ 1 1.0)
      do: [: each | Transcript
            show: (each class name);
            show: (each printString);
            show: ‘ ‘].
   ^ x < y

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 5
Sample Program

"A Sample comment"
| a b |
a :='this is a string'.               ":= is assignment"
a :=  'this is '' a string that contains 
   a single quote and a newline'.
a := 'concat' , 'inate'.
a := 5.                     
a := 1 + "comments ignored"  1.
b := 2 raisedTo: 5.
^a + b                     "^ means return"

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 6
Multiple Assignments

Assignment statements return values!

| a b |
a := b := 3 + 4.

a and b now contain 7

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 7
Statement Separator

| cat dog |
cat := 5.
dog := cat + 2

A period is used as a statement separator

A period is optional after the last statement

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 8


An identifier (any name) in Smalltalk is of the form:

letter (letter | digit )*


| cat dog |
cat := 5.
dog := cat + 2.

Vertical bars at the top of a program declare variables

Variables must be declared

All variables are references to objects

Variables are initialized to nil

As we will see numbers in Smalltalk are objects. Internally references to objects require pointers. Always using a pointer to refer to a number would slow arithemitic operations. Most Smalltalk virtual machines will store numbers directly in a variable. At the programming level one does not see any difference in how numbers and other objects are handled.

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 9


Most languages place basic operations in the grammar
>, =, for (int k = 1; k < 10; k++)

In Smalltalk operations are defined as methods in a class

+ is a method in the Integer class
In 3 + 4, + is a message sent to the integer 3

Using messages rather than hard coded grammar makes

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 10

Three type of Messages

1 + 2
12 / 6
12.3 printString
'123' asNumber
'Hi mom' copyFrom: 1 to: 3

All messages contain:

Messages always return a value

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 11

Unary Messages

aReceiver aSelector
25 factorial
25 is the receiver
factorial is the selector
returns 15511210043330985984000000

'this is a string' reversed
'this is a string' is the receiver
reversed is the selector
returns 'gnirts a si siht'

'Cat in the hat' size
returns 14

12 printString

returns ‘12’ (a string)

‘20’ asNumber

returns 20 (an integer)

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 12
Combining Unary Messages

Unary messages are executed from left to right

   100 factorial printString size

is done as:

   ((100 factorial) printString) size

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 13
How about this?

100 factorial size

This will not work

100 factorial returns an integer

Integers do not implement a size method

One uses the Smalltalk browser to see what methods a class implements

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 14

Binary Messages

aReceiver aSelector anArgument

2 + 4
2 is the receiver
+ is the selector
4 is the argument
returns 6

Binary selectors are

+ - / \ * ~ < > = @ % | & ! ? ,
Second character is never -

Using the above rules you can create your own binary messages in Smalltalk. You can make @? a binary method in a class.

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 15
Combining Binary Messages

Binary messages are executed from left to right

1 + 2 * 3  * 4 + 5 * 6

is executed as

((((1 + 2) * 3) * 4) + 5) * 6

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 16

Keyword Messages

receiver keyword1: argument1 keyword2: argument2 ...

12 min: 6
12 is the receiver
min: is a selector with only one keyword
6 is the argument
returns 6

'this is a string' 
   copyFrom: 1
   to: 7 
'this is a string' is the receiver
copyFrom:to: is one selector with two keywords
1 and 7 are the arguments
returns 'this is'

'this is a string'
findString: 'string'
startingAt: 4
ignoreCase: true
useWildcards: false

'this is a string' is the receiver
findString:startingAt:ignoreCase:useWildcards: is one selector
‘string’, 4, true, false are the arguments
returns (11 to: 16)

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 17
Keyword Messages verses Positional Argument ListsSmalltalk Version

'this is a string'
findString: 'string'
startingAt: 4
ignoreCase: true
useWildcards: false

Positional Argument List Version

'this is a string'.findString( 'string', 4, true, false);

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 18
Where do Keyword Messages End?

Unless you use parenthesis the compiler combines all keywords in a statement into one message

'this is a string' 
   copyFrom: 1 
   to: 12 min: 7

The above has one message

This message does not exist, so results in an error

'this is a string' 
   copyFrom: 1 
   to: (12 min: 7)

This message contains two legal keyword messages

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 19
Formatting Keyword Messages

'this is a string' 
   findString: 'string' 
   startingAt: 4 
   ignoreCase: true 
   useWildcards: false


'this is a string' findString: 'string' startingAt: 4  ignoreCase: true useWildcards: false

Beck’s Rule

When a keyword message has two or more keywords

Program formatting is a matter of personal preference. Some Smalltalk style guides state that keyword messages with two keywords should be placed on one line. Whichever style one uses consistency is very important. Consistent style makes it easier for others to read your code. When you work on a team, the entire team should use the same style. Many companies have programming styles fro all programmers to fallow.

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 20
The Tab Verses Spaces Debate

When one indents a line of code do you use:

Easier to type
Sometimes tabs are different on screen and on hard copy
Some companies ban tabs

Smalltalk handles tabs uniformly

Use tabs to indent in Smalltalk

Do not use spaces to indent in Smalltalk

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 21


Parenthesis change the order of evaluation

3 + 4 * 2
3 + (4 * 2)
5 + 3 factorial
(5 + 3) factorial
'12' asNumber + 2

Arithmetical operations do not use normal mathematical precedence rules

Parenthesis must be used to separate multiple keyword messages in one statement

'this is a string' reversed
   findString: ('the cat is white' copyFrom: 9 to: 10)
   startingAt: 1 + 2
   caseSensitive: 2 + 2 = 4

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 22

Special output window
Similar in purpose to Java's System.out and C++'s out

Useful Transcript messages:

clear the Transcript
show: aString
display aString in the Transcript

print: anObject
display a string representation of anObject in the Transcript
nextPutAll: aString
add aString to the display buffer
put contents of display buffer in Transcript
empty the buffer
Same as endEntry
tab   cr   space   crtab   crtab: anInteger
put given character in the display buffer

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 23
Sample Program
Transcript clear.
Transcript show: 'This is a test'.
Transcript cr.
Transcript show: 'Another line'.
Transcript tab.
Transcript print: 12.3.
Transcript cr.
Transcript show: 4 printString. 
Transcript cr.
Transcript show: 'The end'.

Result of Running Program

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 24

Cascading Messages

receiver selector1 [arg] ; selector2 [arg] ; ...

A cascade sends multiple messages to the same receiver

Messages are sent from left to right to the same receiver

show: 'This is a test';
show: 'Another line';
print: 12.3;
show: 4 printString;
show: 'The end'.

Doc 2, Basic Smalltalk Syntax Slide # 25
Cascade Versus Compound Messages

'hi mom' reversed asUppercase
'hi mom' reversed; asUppercase


In a compound message each message is sent to the result of the previous message

'hi mom' reversed asUppercase

First send reversed to 'hi mom'
The result is 'mom ih'
Now send asUppercase to 'mom ih'


In a cascade message each message is sent to the same receiver

'hi mom' reversed; asUppercase

First send reversed to 'hi mom'
The result is not used
Now send asUppercase to 'hi mom'

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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
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