Class TokenCharacters


public class TokenCharacters
extends java.lang.Object

This class maintains special characters used in parsing strings into tokens. It keeps track of whitespace, characters to indicate the start of a comment, quote characters used to quote tokens that contain special characters, an escape character, and characters that separate tokens.
Version Info
1.0 Added fromString, fromLabeledData, toLabeledData

1.1 2 June 1998
Roger Whitney (
See Also:
SimpleTokenizer, Stringizer, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String COMMENT_CHAR
          Default character (#) used to indicate start of comment.
static char ESCAPE_CHAR
          Character (/) used to preceed a quote character or escape character in a quoted token.
static char QUOTE_CHAR
          Default character (') used to delineate the start and end of a quoted token.
static java.lang.String WHITESPACE
          Default characters treated as whitespace.
Constructor Summary
          Create TokenCharacters with default values.
TokenCharacters(java.lang.String separators)
          Create TokenCharacters with given characters for token separators and default values for the rest of parameters.
TokenCharacters(java.lang.String separators, java.lang.String commentChars, char beginQuoteChar, char endQuoteChar, java.lang.String whitespace)
          Create a TokenCharacters object with given values
Method Summary
 void addQuoteChars(char beginQuote, char endQuote)
          Add the quote pair beginQuote-endQuote to the pairs recognized as char pairs to quote a token.
 boolean containsEscapeableChar(java.lang.String token)
          Returns true if c needs to be escaped in a quoted token.
 boolean containsTokenTerminator(java.lang.String token)
          Returns true if contains a character that indicates the end of a token.
 java.lang.String escapeToken(java.lang.String token)
          Places escape character before any quote character or the escape character.
 void fromLabeledData(LabeledData dataMembers)
          Recreates a TokenCharacter object from a LabeledData object
 void fromString(java.lang.String stateData)
          Recreates a TokenCharacter object from a string.
 char getCommentChar()
          Returns a character that indicates start of a comment.
 boolean isBeginQuote(char c)
          Returns true if c indicates the start of a quoted token
 boolean isComment(char c)
          Returns true if c indicates the start of a comment
 boolean isEndQuote(char c)
          Returns true if c indicates the end of a quoted token
 boolean isEOL(char c)
          Returns true if c is Mac, Unix, or PC EOL character
 boolean isEscape(char c)
          Returns true if c is an escape character
 boolean isQuotePair(char beginQuote, char endQuote)
          Returns true if beginQuote and endQuote are matching begin ending quote characters
 boolean isSeparator(char c)
          Returns true if c is a separator character
 boolean isTokenTerminator(char c)
          Returns true if c indicates the end of an unquoted token IE c is a whitespace, separator or comment character
 boolean isWhitespace(char c)
          Returns true if c is a whitespace character
 java.lang.String quoteToken(java.lang.String token)
          Surrounds token with begin-end quote pair Returns the quoted token
 boolean requiresEscaping(char c)
          Returns true if c needs to be escaped in a quoted token.
 void setSeparatorChars(java.lang.String newSeparators)
          Set the current set of separators to newSeparators
 LabeledData toLabeledData()
          Returns a string representing the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String WHITESPACE
Default characters treated as whitespace. Default is space, tab, line feed (ascii 10, \n in unix) and carriage return ( ascii 13, usd as newline char on PC and Macs )


public static final char ESCAPE_CHAR
Character (/) used to preceed a quote character or escape character in a quoted token.


public static final java.lang.String COMMENT_CHAR
Default character (#) used to indicate start of comment.


public static final char QUOTE_CHAR
Default character (') used to delineate the start and end of a quoted token. Tokens are quoted when they contain special characters.
Constructor Detail


public TokenCharacters()
Create TokenCharacters with default values. You must set separators before using the new object.


public TokenCharacters(java.lang.String separators)
Create TokenCharacters with given characters for token separators and default values for the rest of parameters.


public TokenCharacters(java.lang.String separators,
                       java.lang.String commentChars,
                       char beginQuoteChar,
                       char endQuoteChar,
                       java.lang.String whitespace)
Create a TokenCharacters object with given values
commentChar - character used to indicate start of a comment
beginQuoteChar - character used to start a quote of a string containing special characters
endQuoteChar - character used to end a quote of a string containing special characters
whitespace - characters used for whitespace. Use null or empty string for no whitespace characters
Method Detail


public LabeledData toLabeledData()
Returns a string representing the object. The string can be used to recreate the object


public void fromString(java.lang.String stateData)
Recreates a TokenCharacter object from a string. Only required field is separators=avalue


public void fromLabeledData(LabeledData dataMembers)
Recreates a TokenCharacter object from a LabeledData object


public void addQuoteChars(char beginQuote,
                          char endQuote)
Add the quote pair beginQuote-endQuote to the pairs recognized as char pairs to quote a token.


public char getCommentChar()
Returns a character that indicates start of a comment.


public void setSeparatorChars(java.lang.String newSeparators)
Set the current set of separators to newSeparators


public boolean isEOL(char c)
Returns true if c is Mac, Unix, or PC EOL character


public boolean isEscape(char c)
Returns true if c is an escape character


public boolean isWhitespace(char c)
Returns true if c is a whitespace character


public boolean isSeparator(char c)
Returns true if c is a separator character


public boolean isBeginQuote(char c)
Returns true if c indicates the start of a quoted token


public boolean isEndQuote(char c)
Returns true if c indicates the end of a quoted token


public boolean isComment(char c)
Returns true if c indicates the start of a comment


public boolean isTokenTerminator(char c)
Returns true if c indicates the end of an unquoted token IE c is a whitespace, separator or comment character


public boolean isQuotePair(char beginQuote,
                           char endQuote)
Returns true if beginQuote and endQuote are matching begin ending quote characters


public boolean requiresEscaping(char c)
Returns true if c needs to be escaped in a quoted token. That is if c is a quote character or the escape character


public boolean containsEscapeableChar(java.lang.String token)
Returns true if c needs to be escaped in a quoted token. That is if c is a quote character or the escape character


public java.lang.String escapeToken(java.lang.String token)
Places escape character before any quote character or the escape character. Returns the modified token


public boolean containsTokenTerminator(java.lang.String token)
Returns true if contains a character that indicates the end of a token. That is whitespace, comment char or a separator


public java.lang.String quoteToken(java.lang.String token)
Surrounds token with begin-end quote pair Returns the quoted token