Class REMatchEnumeration


public class REMatchEnumeration
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.Enumeration

An REMatchEnumeration enumerates regular expression matches over a given input text. You obtain a reference to an enumeration using the getMatchEnumeration() methods on an instance of RE.

REMatchEnumeration does lazy computation; that is, it will not search for a match until it needs to. If you'd rather just get all the matches at once in a big array, use the getAllMatches() methods on RE. However, using an enumeration can help speed performance when the entire text does not need to be searched immediately.

The enumerated type is especially useful when searching on an InputStream, because the InputStream read position cannot be guaranteed after calling getMatch() (see the description of that method for an explanation of why). Enumeration also saves a lot of overhead required when calling getMatch() multiple times.

Wes Biggs

Method Summary
 boolean hasMoreElements()
          Returns true if there are more matches in the input text.
 boolean hasMoreMatches()
          Returns true if there are more matches in the input text.
 java.lang.Object nextElement()
          Returns the next match in the input text.
 REMatch nextMatch()
          Returns the next match in the input text.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean hasMoreElements()
Returns true if there are more matches in the input text.
Specified by:
hasMoreElements in interface java.util.Enumeration


public boolean hasMoreMatches()
Returns true if there are more matches in the input text.


public java.lang.Object nextElement()
                             throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
Returns the next match in the input text.
Specified by:
nextElement in interface java.util.Enumeration


public REMatch nextMatch()
                  throws java.util.NoSuchElementException
Returns the next match in the input text. This method is provided for convenience to avoid having to explicitly cast the return value to class REMatch.