Class REException


public class REException
extends java.lang.Exception

This is the regular expression exception class. An exception of this type defines the three attributes:

  1. A descriptive message of the error.
  2. An integral type code equivalent to one of the statically defined symbols listed below.
  3. The approximate position in the input string where the error occurred.

Wes Biggs
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int REG_BADBR
          Error flag.
static int REG_BADPAT
          Error flag.
static int REG_BADRPT
          Error flag.
static int REG_EBRACE
          Error flag.
static int REG_EBRACK
          Error flag.
static int REG_ECTYPE
          Error flag.
static int REG_EEND
          Error flag.
static int REG_EPAREN
          Error flag.
static int REG_ERANGE
          Error flag.
static int REG_ESCAPE
          Error flag.
static int REG_ESIZE
          Error flag.
static int REG_ESPACE
          Error flag.
static int REG_ESUBREG
          Error flag.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Reports the descriptive message associated with this exception as well as its index position in the string or character array being compiled.
 int getPosition()
          Returns the position, relative to the string or character array being compiled, where the error occurred.
 int getType()
          Returns the type of the exception, one of the constants listed above.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int REG_BADRPT
Error flag. Invalid use of repetition operators such as using `*' as the first character.


public static final int REG_BADBR
Error flag. Invalid use of back reference operator.


public static final int REG_EBRACE
Error flag. Un-matched brace interval operators.


public static final int REG_EBRACK
Error flag. Un-matched bracket list operators.


public static final int REG_ERANGE
Error flag. Invalid use of the range operator, eg. the ending point of the range occurs prior to the starting point.


public static final int REG_ECTYPE
Error flag. Unknown character class name. Not implemented.


public static final int REG_EPAREN
Error flag. Un-matched parenthesis group operators.


public static final int REG_ESUBREG
Error flag. Invalid back reference to a subexpression.


public static final int REG_EEND
Error flag. Non specific error. Not implemented.


public static final int REG_ESCAPE
Error flag. Invalid escape sequence. Not implemented.


public static final int REG_BADPAT
Error flag. Invalid use of pattern operators such as group or list.


public static final int REG_ESIZE
Error flag. Compiled regular expression requires a pattern buffer larger than 64Kb. Not implemented.


public static final int REG_ESPACE
Error flag. The regex routines ran out of memory. Not implemented.
Method Detail


public int getType()
Returns the type of the exception, one of the constants listed above.


public int getPosition()
Returns the position, relative to the string or character array being compiled, where the error occurred. This position is generally the point where the error was detected, not necessarily the starting index of a bad subexpression.


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Reports the descriptive message associated with this exception as well as its index position in the string or character array being compiled.
getMessage in class java.lang.Throwable