SDSU CS 596: Client Server Programming
State, Classes, Modularity

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated March 20, 1995

Contents of State, Classes, Modularity Lecture

  1. State Machine Implementation
    1. Switch
    2. Table
    3. State Classes
      1. First Pass
      2. Storing Information
      3. Reducing Time Spent Creating State Objects
      4. Parsing the Input Part 1
      5. Parsing the Input Part 2 - Who reads input?
  2. Modularity
    1. Sample Main Program

State Machine Implementation

Three general methods:
State Classes

Sample protocol: SPOP (Simple POP)

Commands allowed:


switch (state)
case 1:
switch (input)
case USER: state = 2; break;
case QUIT: state = 4; break;
default: state = 5; break;
case 2:
switch (input)
case PASS: state = 3; break;
case QUIT: state = 4; break;
default: state = 5; break;
case 3:
switch (input)
case LIST: state = 3; break;
case QUIT: state = 4; break;
default: state = 5; break;
case 4:
state = 4; break;
case 5:
switch (input)
case QUIT: state = 4; break;
default: state = 5; break;


Input State
	1	2	3	4	5	
USER	2	5	5	4	5	
PASS	5	3	5	4	5	
LIST	5	5	3	4	5	
QUIT	4	4	4	4	4	

typedef struct
char *command;
int (*function)();
int valid_in;
int win;
int lose;
} vector;

vector switchtable[] =
{"user", user, AUTH1, AUTH2, AUTH1},
{"pass", pass, AUTH2, TRANS, AUTH},
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0}

State Classes

First Pass

SPop Class
class SPop {
	void USER();	void PASS();	
	char* LIST();	void QUIT();

	friend class SPopState;
	void ChangeState (SPopState* NewState)

	SPopState*	CurrentState;

SPop :: SPop () {
	CurrentState = new Start();
void SPop :: ChangeState (SPopState* NewState) {
	CurrentState = NewState;

void SPop :: USER () {
	CurrentState -> USER( this )

void SPop :: PASS () {
	CurrentState -> PASS ( this )

char* SPop :: LIST () {
	return CurrentState -> LIST ( this )

void SPop :: QUIT () {
	CurrentState -> QUIT ( this )


Define the default operations for each input
class SPopState {
	virtual void USER ( SPop* Context );
	virtual void PASS ( SPop* Context );
	virtual char* LIST ( SPop* Context );
	virtual void QUIT ( SPop* Context );

void SPopState  :: USER ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Error() );

void SPopState  :: PASS ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Error() );

void SPopState  :: LIST ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Error() );

void SPopState  :: QUIT ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Quit() );

The Real State Classes
class Start : public SPopState {
	virtual void USER ( SPop* Context );

void Start :: USER ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Authenticate() );

class Authenticate : public SPopState {
	virtual void PASS ( SPop* Context );

void Authenticate :: PASS ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new List() );

class List : public SPopState {
	char* List ( SPop* Context );

char* List :: List ( SPop* Context )	{
	Get and return list

class Error : public SPopState {
	void QUIT ( SPop* Context );

void Error :: QUIT ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Quit() );

class Error : public SPopState {
	void QUIT ( SPop* Context );

Get Real This Doesn't Do Anything!

How does this interface with the program?
Where does the input come from?
Who parses the input?
Where does the output go?
What if different states can accept different inputs?
How do the state classes store information (user name)?
How does one "end the protocol"?
Don't you create a lot of state objects needlessly?

Storing Information

Example: User name and password
class SPop { 
	SPop();	void USER();	void PASS();	
	char* LIST();	void QUIT();

	char* User;
	char* Password;

	friend class SPopState;
	void ChangeState (SPopState* NewState)

	SPopState*	CurrentState;
class Start : public SPopState {
	virtual void USER (char* UserName, SPop* Context );

void Start :: USER (char* UserName, SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> User = UserName;
	Context -> ChangeState( new Authenticate() );

Reducing Time Spent Creating State Objects

When switching states, just access correct state

then can use only one object per state class in a program

class Start : public SPopState {
	static SPopState* Instance();
	void USER ( SPop* Context );


	static SPopState* _instance;

SPopState*  Start :: _instance = 0;

SPopState*  Start :: Instance() {

	if (_instance == 0) _instance = new Start();
	return _instance;

Parsing the Input Part 1

In SPop, input is read from an external source

Input must be translated from string to commands
if (Input == "USER")	x -> USER()

else if (Input == "PASS")	x -> PASS()

else if (Input == "LIST")	x -> LIST()

Who parses?
Driver program
Not recommended, violates information hiding
Perhaps the logical place
SPopState, Start, Error, ...
If different states have lots of different commands
If you are going to add lots of states
Makes harder for SPop and state classes to interact

Parsing using SPopState and Children

class SPopState {
	virtual void input( char* Message, SPop* Context) = 0;

	// Common commands
	virtual void QUIT ( SPop* Context );
	virtual void Error ( SPop* Context );

void SPopState  :: LIST ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Error() );

void SPopState  :: QUIT ( SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> ChangeState( new Quit() );
class Start : public SPopState {
	virtual void USER (char* Name, SPop* Context );
	virtual void input( char* Message, SPop* Context);


void Start :: input( char* Message, SPop* Context) {

	if (Message starts with "USER")
		USER(last part of Message, Context)
	else if (Message starts with "QUIT")
void Start :: USER (char* Name, SPop* Context )	{
	Context -> User = Name;
	Context -> ChangeState( Authenticate::Instance() );

Parsing without if statements
Only for the C++ crazies

One does not really want to parse commands of a protocol with if statements

Use a Dictionary (an container that can index items on strings)

// Set up
Dictionary < string, (SPopState ::*) ( *SPop ) > Commands;

Commands["USER"] = SPop :: User( *SPop );


string Message 

read( Message )

Commands[ first part of message](second part of message)

Parsing the Input Part 2 - Who reads input?

Driver Program
SPop  Protocol;

while ( SPop.state() =! "Quit" ) {
	readn( ClientSocket , message ) ;
	response = SPop.input ( message );
	if ( response =! null ) writen( ClientSocket , response );

SPop  Protocol;

Protocol.interactWithClient( ClientSocket );

IO is via standard in and standard out
single-process, concurrent server
select must drive io


Modules (functions, classes, etc.) should
do one conceptual thing
be at the same level of detail
hide information

Modules should be created around data not steps in the process

Each module should be characterized by design decisions that it hides from other modules

Some server code / library issues:
inetd vs. command line startup
stateless verses stateful protocol
single verses multiple process concurrency
UDP verses TCP

Sample Main Program

int main(int argc; char* argv[]) {

	CommandLineOption	ServerOptions(argc, argv);
	if ( ServerOptions.containsOneOfFlags( "ip" ) =! TRUE) {
		write error message;
	if ( ServerOptions.containsFlag( "i") == TRUE )	{// inetd
		respondToResquestOn(cin, cout);
	else {
		int PortNumber;
		int ConvertError;
		ConvertError = stringToInt( ServerOptions.flagValue("p"), 
		assert( ConvertError =! -1);