SDSU CS 596 Java Programming
Fall Semester, 1998
Conceptual OO Definition
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© 1998, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 22-Oct-98

Contents of Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition


Object-Oriented Design Heuristics , Riel, Addison-Wesley, 1996

Heuristics 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 3.3

Listen Here!S-sept16 3mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 2

Conceptual Level Definition of OO

“Extracting the essential details about an item or group of items, while ignoring the unessential details.”
Edward Berard
What is it?
Can you describe it with a simple sentence?
It contains data and operations (behavior) on the data

Enclosing all parts of an abstraction within a container

Hiding parts of the abstraction

Abstractions arranged in order of rank or level

Listen Here!S-sept16 8mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 3
Stack Example

"A stack is a linear list for which all insertions and deletions are made at one end of the list"

pop, push, isEmpty, isFull

Listen Here!S-sept16 2mins, Q-oct22 3mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 4
Stack Class

The following Stack class is not a production level class.

class Stack  {
   private float[] elements;
   private int topOfStack = -1;
   public Stack( int stackSize )  {
      elements = new float[ stackSize ];
   public void push( float item )  {
      elements[ ++topOfStack ] = item;
   public float pop()  {
      return elements[ topOfStack-- ];
   public boolean isEmpty()  {
      if ( topOfStack < 0 )    return true;
      else               return false;
   public boolean isFull()  {
      if ( topOfStack >= elements.length )    return true;
      else                           return false;
Using the Stack
   Stack me = new Stack( 20 );
   me.push( 5 );
   me.push( 12 );
   System.out.println( me.pop() );
   System.out.println( me.pop() );

Listen Here!S-sept16 3mins, Q-oct22 1min Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 5
A Struct Version

struct Stack 
   float stack[100];      
   int topOfStack;
void push(Stack& it, int item) 
   it.stack[(it.topOfStack)++] = item;   
float pop(Stack& it)
   return it.stack[--(it.topOfStack)];   
   Stack tryThisOut; 
   Stack yours, mine;
   tryThisOut.topOfStack = 0;
   yours.topOfStack = 0;
   push( tryThisOut, 5.0 );
   push( yours, 3.3 );
   push( tryThisOut, 9.9 );
   cout << pop( tryThisOut ) << endl;

Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 6
Problems with the Struct Version

Data is encapsulated
Operations are not encapsulated with data
The boundaries of what it is become fuzzy

Information hiding

Data is not hidden
Data is not safe!

   Stack troubleAhead;
   troubleAhead.topOfStack = 13;
   troubleAhead.stack[ 8 ] = 29;

Listen Here!S-sept16 36secs Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 7

Some Typical Beginner Mistakes

Struct-like Class

One can make a class that is just a struct dressed as a class. Avoid this doing this.

class StackData
   public  float[]  elements = new float[100];
   public  int   topOfStack      = 0;
class Test
   static void push(Stack it, int item) 
      it.stack[ ( it.topOfStack )++ ] = item;   
   static float pop(Stack it)
      return it.stack[--(it.topOfStack)];   
   public void static main( String[] args)
      Stack yours, mine;
      push( yours, 3.3 );
      push(  mine, 9.9);

Listen Here!S-sept16 3mins, Q-oct22 2mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 8
Some Typical Beginner Mistakes
The Long Way Struct-like Class

This example has all fields hidden. But the methods do not support the stack abstraction. The logic of operating the stack is not in the stack class. This means that the topOfStack field can be improperly set by some one outside the class.

class StackData
   private  float[]  elements = new float[100];
   private  int        topOfStack      = -1;
   public int getTopOfStack()
      return topOfStack;
   public void setTopOfStack( int newTop )
      topOfStack = newTop;
   public float getElement( int elementIndex )
      return elements[ elementIndex ];
   public void setElement( int elementIndex, float element )
      elements[ elementIndex ] = element;

Listen Here!S-sept16 1min Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 9
Some Typical Beginner Mistakes
The God Class

If we have a lot of struct-like classes, then the logic of manipulating the data needs to be placed somewhere. One bad solution is to combine the logic of manipulating the data of all(most) struct-like classes in on big class. This "god" class then knows everything about your program, hence the name. This make the program hard to maintain because to understand the "god" class one has to understand the entire program.

Listen Here!S-sept16 to end Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 10
Some Typical Beginner Mistakes
Mixing IO and an Abstraction

Adding IO to the push and pop methods make the stack class unusable. This often happens in student assignments.

class Stack {
   private float[] elements = new float[ 100 ];
   private int topOfStack = -1;
   public void push( )  
      float item = Console.readFloat( "Type a float to push");
      elements[ ++topOfStack ] = item;
   public void  pop()  
      Console.println( "Top stack item: " + 

class Test
   public void static main( String[] args)
      Stack yours ohNo = new Stack();
      ohNo.push(  );
      ohNo.push(  );
      ohNo.pop(  );

Listen Here!S-sept21 5mins, Q-oct22 56secs Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 11
Design Heuristics

Applying these heuristics to your classes will go a long way to help you avoid typical beginner mistakes in designing classes

Listen Here!S-sept21 1min Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 12

Information Hiding - Physical and Logical

Physical information hiding

Physical information hiding is when a class has a field and there are accessor methods, getX and setX, setting and getting the value of the field. It is clear to everyone that there is a field named X in the class. The goal is just to prevent any direct access to X from the outside. The extreme example is a struct converted to a class by adding accessor methods. Physical information hiding provides little or no help in isolating the effects of changes. If the hidden field changes type than one usually ends up changing the accessor methods to reflect the change in type.

class  PhysicalHiding
   private int a;
   private int b;
   public int getA()
      return a;
   public int getB()
      return b;
   public int setA( int newA )
      a = newA;
   public int setB( int newB )
      b = newB;

Listen Here!S-sept21 3mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 13
Logical Information Hiding

Logical information hiding occurs when the class represents some abstraction. This abstraction can be manipulated independent of its underlying representation. Details are being hidden from the out side world. Examples are integers and stacks. We use integers all the time without knowing any detail on their implementation. Similarly we can use the operations pop and push without knowing how the stack is implemented. Given the following interface to a Point class is there any way to determine how it is implemented? Does it use polar coordinates internally or not?

class Point
public int getX()
public int getY()

public int setXY( int newX, int newY )

public int getRadiusVector()
public int getPolarAngle()

public int setRadiusVector( float newRadius)
public int setPolarAngle( float newAngle)

Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 14

Example - Linked List of Floats

What operations do we want on a linked-list?

addFirst( float data )
addLast( float data )
contains( float data )
get( int index)
indexOf( float data)
insert( int index, float data)
contains( float data )
remove( int index)
remove( float data)
removeAll( float data )

How to implement? In C we would use a struct

struct Node
   float data;      
   struct Node*  next;

then use it to implement the above functions.

Listen Here!S-sept21 3mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 15

First Java Linked List

package MyLinkedList;
public class LinkedList {
   private Node frontOfList = null;
   public void addFirst( float data )
      Node newNode = new Node(); = data; = frontOfList;
      frontOfList = newNode;
   public String toString() {
      String listAsString = "";
      Node current = frontOfList;
      while (current != null ) {
         listAsString = listAsString + " " +;
         current =;
      return listAsString;
   // Other methods deleted
class Node {
   float data;
   Node next = null;

Listen Here!S-sept21 3mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 16
Using the First Linked List

import MyLinkedList;

public class Test
   public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception 
      //new ClassMethodView( Test.class );
      LinkedList test = new LinkedList();
      test.addFirst( 1);
      test.addFirst( 2);
      test.addFirst( 3);
      System.out.println( test );
3.0 2.0 1.0

What is Wrong with the Node Class?

Clearly the Node class does what an earlier slide says not to do. So what? Most textbooks will have Node code that looks like the first example. The Java library source code has many instances of linked lists that use this type of Node class. So what is wrong with Node class? Put another way how can it be improved?.

Think about this before going on to the next slide.

Listen Here!S-sept21 2mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 17

Second Node Class

class Node {
   private float data;
   private Node next = null;
   private Node previous = null;
   public Node( float initialData) {
      this( initialData, null, null );
   public Node( float initialData, 
                  Node previousInList, 
                  Node nextInList )   {
      data = initialData;
      next = nextInList;
      previous = previousInList;
      if ( next != null )
         next.previous = this;
      if ( previous != null ) = this;
   public void append( float data ) { 
      new Node( data, this, next); 
   public void prepend( float data ) { 
      new Node( data, previous, this); 

Listen Here!S-sept21 4mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 18
// Node Continued

   public void remove() {
      if ( previous != null ) = next;
      if ( next != null )
         next.previous = previous;
   public Node getNext() { 
      return next; 
   public Node getPrevious() { 
      return previous; 
   public float getData() {
      return data;
   public void setData( float newData ) {
      data = newData;

Listen Here!S-sept21 6mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 19
Second Linked List

public class LinkedList {   
   private Node frontOfList = null;
   private Node endOfList = null;
   public void addFirst( float data ) {
      frontOfList = new Node( data, null, frontOfList );
      if (endOfList == null )
         endOfList = frontOfList;
   public void addLast( float data ) {
      endOfList = new Node( data, endOfList, null );
      if (frontOfList == null )
         frontOfList = endOfList;
   public float removeFirst( ) {
      Node oldFirst = frontOfList;
      frontOfList = frontOfList.getNext();
      return oldFirst.getData();
   public String toString() {
      String listAsString = "";
      Node current = frontOfList;
      while (current != null ) {
         listAsString = listAsString + " " + current.getData();
         current = current.getNext();
      return listAsString;

Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 20
Is the Second List Better?

What is the difference between the first and second Node classes?

Is the second Node better? If so how?

Listen Here!S-sept21 5mins Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 21
Computation as Simulation
Procedure programming consists of procedures acting on data

Object-oriented programming consists of objects interacting

Main() creates web of objects and starts them interacting

Doc 6, Conceptual OO Definition Slide # 22
The OO Process

Step One

Identify the data and the operations on the data
These start to form the classes

Step Two

Determine how classes interact

Step N

Create program on top of the classes

Copyright © 1998 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
All rights reserved.

visitors since 15-Sep-98