SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming
Fall Semester, 2003
Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing
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© 2003, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 21-Oct-03

Contents of Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing

Object-Oriented Design Heuristics, Riel
łA Short Catalog of Test Ideas˛ by Brian Marick,


Object-Oriented Design Heuristics, Chapter 2.

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 2

Abstract Classes

Abstract class – a class not used to create instances of itself

Concrete class – a class that we do create direct instances of

Why Abstract Classes

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 3
Defining an Abstract Class

Some languages have special syntax for abstract classes

public abstract  class  NoObjects  {
   public  void  aFunction()  {
      System.out.println(  "Hi Mom"  );
   public  abstract  void  subClassMustImplement(  int  foo  );

Smalltalk does not have special syntax for abstract classes

      Collection>>do: aBlock
          self subclassResponsibility

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 4
What does self subclassResponsibility do?

Inform reader

Raises an exception when executed to indicate

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 5
How to Prohibit Instances of Abstract Class

Documentation is normally enough

Implement new so it throws an exception

Stream class>>new
   "Provide an error notification that Streams are not created
   using this message."
   self error: ('Streams are created with on: and with:')

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 6
How do subclass objects get created?

PositionableStream is a subclass of Stream

PositionableStream class>>on: aCollection
   ^super new on: aCollection   “Throws and Exception”
Use basicNew

PositionableStream class>>on: aCollection
   ^self basicNew on: aCollection   


Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 7
Some Collection Classes

(N) indicates number of methods defined the class

Bold indicates concrete classes

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 8
Abstract Classes and Data

Abstract classes commonly do not have instance variables

How can they implement methods?

Identify a core set of abstract operations

Implement other methods using core methods

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 9
Collection Class

Collection does not have any instance variables

Collection implements

All are defined in terms of do:

Collection>>detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock 
   self do: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [^each]].
   ^exceptionBlock value

Collection>>do: aBlock
    self subclassResponsibility

Subclass just implements do: the rest will work

All the above enumerations work on your BinarySearchTree

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 10
Abstract Classes, Types and Hinges

Tagging (declaring) a variable to be an Abstract class instance

SomeClass>>foo: aCollection
   ^aCollection fold: [:a :b | a max: b].

public class SomeClass {
   public int foo(Collection a) { blah}

public class Resticted {
   public int foo(Array a) { blah}

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 11
Abstract Classes and Hiding

Smalltalk VM on startup informs Filename of the correct concrete class for the current platform

‘foo’ asFilename
Filename named: ‘foo’

Create an instance of the correct concrete Filename class

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 12
Platform Independence Aside

End of line Characters

Mac, PC and Unix have different end of line characters

When you read a file:

When you write a file

Same code

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 13

Abstract Classes and Hiding

String is an abstract class

String new

String subclasses

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 14
Strings Continued

| a |
a :=String new.
a class.              "returns ByteString"

| b | 
b :=(String with: (Character value: 3585)) "3585 is Thai character".
b class             "returns TwoByteString"

| c |
c := String with: $a.
c class.             “returns ByteString”
c at: 1 put:  (Character value: 3585).
c class             “returns TwoByteString”

To learn about character encodings read:

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 15
become: Smalltalk Magic

| c |
c := String with: $a.
c class.             “returns ByteString”
c at: 1 put:  (Character value: 3585).
c class             “returns TwoByteString”

How did c change class?

a become: b

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 16
String Transformation without become?

Use composition

String has instance variable that holds real string

String forwards messages to the real string

String can replace the real string with a different object

Smalltalk.Core defineClass: #String
   superclass: #{Core.CharacterArray}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'realString'
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Collections-Text'

   ^realString size

at: anInteger
   ^realString at: anInteger

at: anInteger put: aCharacter
   aCharacter value > 256 
      ifTrue: [realString := realString atTwoByteString].
   realString at: anInteger put: aCharacter.

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 17


What should I use as a super class?

Indicates that an instance variable of A is an instance of B

Indicates that A is a subclass of B

A car has an engine, so car object contains an engine object

A BinarySearchTree has nodes, so it has instance variables left and right

A WordStream is a type of ReadStream so it is a subclass of ReadStream

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 18
Common Mistakes

Engine Subclass of Car

Using a has-a relation for inheritance

Car subclass of Engine

“I need access to engine methods in the car class and now I have it.”

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 19
Roles Verses Classes

2.11 Be sure the abstractions you model are classes and not simply the roles objects play

left := LeftNode new.
right := RightNode new.

left := Node new.
right := Node new.

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 20

   mother := Mother new.
   father := Father new.

   mother := Person new.
   father := Person new.

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 21

What to Test

Everything that could possibly break

How often do accessor methods have errors?


How many errors did your WordStream>>next method have?

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 22
Some Guidelines

Test values

GUIs are very hard to test

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 23
Common Things that Programs Handle Incorrectly

Adapted with permission from “A Short Catalog of Test Ideas” by Brian Marick,


Test using empty String


Test using:


Test using:

Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 24
Do we need to test all methods?

   ^self isSeparator | (#($, $. $; $' $" $? $!) includes: self)

   self isAlphabetic ifFalse:[^0].
   ^self asLowercase asInteger - $a asInteger + 1

   ^self inject: 0 into: [:subTotal :next | subTotal + next dollarValue]

   ^self runsFailing: [:each | each isWordSeparator]

   ^self words select: [:each | each dollarValue = 100]
Can we just test String>>dollarWords?

If String>>dollarWords works correctly then all the other methods are highly likely to also work correctly



Doc 14, Abstract Classes, Inheritance & Testing Slide # 25
Can we just test


If these methods work what could be wrong with String>>dollarWords?

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2003 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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