SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2001
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© 2001, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 15-Nov-01

Contents of Doc 19, GUIs & MVC


Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Buschmann et al., 1996

The Smalltalk Developer's Guide to VisualWorks, Tim Howard, 1995

VisualWorks GUI Developer's Guide, GUIDevGuide.pdf in the docs directory of the VW 5i4 distribution

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 2

Design is a series of trade-offs

Often we trade flexibility for complexity

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 3


Measure of the interdependence among modules

"Unnecessary object coupling needlessly decreases the reusability of the coupled objects "

"Unnecessary object coupling also increases the chances of system corruption when changes are made to one or more of the coupled objects"

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 4
Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Customer
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'name phone id '
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'NextFreeID '
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-GUI-Examples'
Class Methods
   NextFreeID isNil ifTrue:[NextFreeID := 0].
   NextFreeID := NextFreeID + 1.

name: aString phone: aPhoneString
   ^self new 
      setName: aString
      setPhone: aPhoneString
      setID: self newID 

Instance Methods

setName: aNameString setPhone: aPhoneString setID: anInteger
   name := aNameString.
   phone := aPhoneString.
   id := anInteger. 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 5
How to print out the CustomerSolution 1
      show: 'Customer(';
      print: name;
      show: ', ';
      print: phone;
      show: ', ';
      print: id;
      show: ')' 

Simple and direct
Couples Customer to Transcript
Limited usefulness

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 6
Solution 2
Customer>>printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: name;
      print: ', ';
      print: phone;
      print: ', ';
      print: id;
      print: ')' 

Couples Customer to Stream interface (print:)

Can be used to write Customer many different places

test := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
   show: test printString

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 7


Domain information

Information about the subject of the program

Application information

Information needed to make visual interface function

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 8
Separation of Domain and Application Information

Keep domain and application information separate

Application information changes faster

Often there is multiple view of domain information

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 9

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

Architectural structure for GUI applications



Domain information
Core data and functionality

Independent of

Specific output representations
Input behavior


Display data to the user

Obtains data from the model

Multiple views of the model are possible

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 10

Handles input

Mouse movements and clicks
Keyboard events

Each view has it's own controller

Programmers commonly don't see controllers

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 11

Smalltalk MVC Example

Customer with Window Created with UI Painter

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Customer
   superclass: #{UI.ApplicationModel}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'id phone name '
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'NextFreeID '
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-GUI-Examples'
Class Methods

   NextFreeID isNil ifTrue:[NextFreeID := 0].
   NextFreeID := NextFreeID + 1.
name: aString phone: aPhoneString
   ^self new 
      setName: aString
      setPhone: aPhoneString 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 12
   "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
   <resource: #canvas>
         #label: 'Customer' 
         #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 384 712 584 ) ) 
         #collection: #(
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 30 179 52 ) 
               #name: #name 
               #model: #name ) 
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 75 181 99 ) 
               #name: #phone 
               #model: #phone 
               #type: #string 
               #formatString: '#@' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 120 179 142 ) 
               #name: #id 
               #model: #id 
               #isReadOnly: true 
               #type: #number 
               #formatString: '0' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 31 ) 
               #name: #Label1 
               #label: 'Name' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 76 ) 
               #name: #Label2 
               #label: 'Phone' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 121 ) 
               #name: #Label3 
               #label: 'ID' ) ) ) ) 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 13
Instance Methods

   self initializeID
   id isNil ifTrue:[id := self class newID asValue]
setName: aNameString setPhone: aPhoneString 
   self name value:  aNameString.
   self phone value: aPhoneString.
   self initializeID. 
printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: name value;
      print: ', ';
      print: phone value;
      print: ', ';
      print: id value;
      print: ')' 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 14
CS535.Customer methodsFor: 'aspects'
   "This method was generated by UIDefiner."
   ^id isNil
         [id := 0 asValue]
   "This method was generated by UIDefiner."
   ^name isNil
         [name := String new asValue]
   "This method was generated by UIDefiner."
   ^phone isNil
         [phone := String new asValue]

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 15

Opening a Customer Window

A New Customer

Customer open

An Existing Customer

existingCustomer := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
existingCustomer open

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 16
How Does this Work

Things to Explain

Window specs

ValueHolders - asValue

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 17

Window Specs

   "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
   <resource: #canvas>
         #label: 'Customer' 
         #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 384 712 584 ) ) 

Window Spec tells how to put a window together

When you "open" a window a builder object constructs the window

Your program can interact with the builder to modify the window as it is being built

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 18

Specifying the Window Spec

New Customer

Customer openWithSpec: #windowSpec

Existing Customer

existingCustomer := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
existingCustomer openInterface: #windowSpec.

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 19

Multiple Specs

A class can have multiple specs to provide different views of the same object

Clerk View
In UIPainter I removed the phone label and input field

I stalled the new window spec on the Customer class as clerkView

Customer class>>clerkView
   "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #clerkView"
   <resource: #canvas>
         #label: 'Customer' 
         #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 460 362 654 478 ) ) 
         #collection: #(
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 30 179 52 ) 
               #name: #name 
               #model: #name ) 
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 81 66 181 88 ) 
               #name: #id 
               #model: #id 
               #isReadOnly: true 
               #type: #number 
               #formatString: '0' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 31 ) 
               #name: #Label1 
               #label: 'Name' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 26 67 ) 
               #name: #Label3 
               #label: 'ID' ) ) ) )

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 20
Using the Clerk View

Customer openWithSpec: #clerkView

existingCustomer := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
existingCustomer openInterface: #clerkView.

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 21
Two Views at Once

existingCustomer := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
existingCustomer open.
existingCustomer openInterface: #clerkView.

This will open two windows on the same customer object

Each window shows a different view

The windows open in the same location!

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 22
Specifying where to open a Window

| existingCustomer builder window |
existingCustomer := Customer name: 'Foo' phone: '222-1111'.
existingCustomer open.
builder := existingCustomer allButOpenInterface: #clerkView.
window := builder window.
window openIn: (50@50 extent: 200@100).

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 23


The following create a value holders

0 asValue
String new asValue
anyObject asValue

A value holder

Holds a value
Can have observers

The message value: aNewValue

Replaces the value of the ValueHolder
Tells the observers that the value has changed
Observers can then perform the appropriate action

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 24
ValueHolders and Windows

         #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 30 179 52 ) 
         #name: #name 
         #model: #name ) 

When the customer window is built the builder

Calls the name method on customer object
Gives the name value holder to the name input field
The input field registers as an observer to the name value holder
Keeps a reference to the value holder

When the user changes a value in the window

The widget send value: to the value holder
Your program and other observers know the change

When your program changes the value of a value holder

All observers are informed
Widgets then redisplay the new value

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 25
ValueHolders and Model-View Separation

Customer object is the model

Customer objects

Have no direct knowledge of any views
Instance variables are now value holders

All access to instance variables is changed

We have:

printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: name value;

printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: name;

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 26
Dealing with the ValueHolder Instance Variables

In many cases dealing with the value holders is not a problem

If it is a problem try using:

Information Hiding

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 27

Hiding Instance Variable Access

Some people claim all accesses of instance variables in a class should be through method access

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Customer
   instanceVariableNames: 'name '

printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: self name;
      print: ')' 
name: aString
   name := aString

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 28
WindowSpec and Information Hiding in Class

Define a special method for widgets to get value holders on instance variables

Define setters and getter methods for the instance variables

Getter returns actual value not value holder
Setter changes the value of the value holder

Methods in the class use getters and setters to interact with the instance variables

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 29
Example with Information Hiding

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Customer
   superclass: #{UI.ApplicationModel}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'id phone name '
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'NextFreeID '
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-GUI-Examples'

Class Methods

   NextFreeID isNil ifTrue:[NextFreeID := 0].
   NextFreeID := NextFreeID + 1.

name: aString phone: aPhoneString
   ^self new 
      setName: aString
      setPhone: aPhoneString 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 30
   "UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
   <resource: #canvas>
         #label: 'Customer' 
         #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 384 712 584 ) ) 
         #collection: #(
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 30 179 52 ) 
               #name: #name 
               #model: #nameValueHolder ) 
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 75 181 99 ) 
               #name: #phone 
               #model: #phoneValueHolder 
               #type: #string 
               #formatString: '#@' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 120 179 142 ) 
               #name: #id 
               #model: #idValueHolder 
               #isReadOnly: true 
               #type: #number 
               #formatString: '0' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 31 ) 
               #name: #Label1 
               #label: 'Name' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 76 ) 
               #name: #Label2 
               #label: 'Phone' ) 
               #layout: #(#{Core.Point} 24 121 ) 
               #name: #Label3 
               #label: 'ID' ) ) ) ) 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 31
Instance Methods

   self initializeID

   id isNil ifTrue:[id := self class newID asValue]

setName: aNameString setPhone: aPhoneString 
   self name:  aNameString.
   self phone: aPhoneString.
   self initializeID. 

printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: self name;
      print: ', ';
      print: self phone;
      print: ', ';
      print: self id;
      print: ')' 

   ^id isNil ifTrue: [id := 0 asValue] ifFalse: [id]

   ^name isNil 
      ifTrue: [name := String new asValue] 
      ifFalse: [name]

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 32
   ^phone isNil 
      ifTrue: [phone := String new asValue] 
      ifFalse: [phone] 

   ^self idValueHolder value

id: anInteger
   ^self idValueHolder value: anInteger

   ^self nameValueHolder value

name: aString
   ^self nameValueHolder value: aString

   ^self phoneValueHolder value

phone: aString
   ^self phoneValueHolder value: aString 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 33


A GUI widget expects to get a ValueHolder from the model

We want the GUI to call accessor methods

Use an adapter

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 34
Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Customer
   superclass: #{UI.ApplicationModel}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'id phone name '
   classInstanceVariableNames: 'NextFreeID '
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-GUI-Examples'

Class Methods
   NextFreeID isNil ifTrue:[NextFreeID := 0].
   NextFreeID := NextFreeID + 1.

name: aString phone: aPhoneString
   ^self new 
      setName: aString
      setPhone: aPhoneString 

   <resource: #canvas>
         #label: 'Customer' 
         #bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 384 712 584 ) ) 
         #collection: #(
               #layout: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 79 30 179 52 ) 
               #name: #name 
               #model: #nameValueHolder ) 
               "same as example on page 30) ) ) ) 

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 35
Instance Methods

   self initializeID

   id isNil ifTrue:[id := self class newID]

setName: aNameString setPhone: aPhoneString 
   self name:  aNameString.
   self phone: aPhoneString.
   self initializeID. 

printOn: aStream
      print: 'Customer(';
      print: self name;
      print: ', ';
      print: self phone;
      print: ', ';
      print: self id;
      print: ')' 

   | adaptor |
   adaptor := AspectAdaptor forAspect: #id.
      subject: self;
      subjectSendsUpdates: true.

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 36

   | adaptor |
   adaptor := AspectAdaptor forAspect: #name.
      subject: self;
      subjectSendsUpdates: true.

   | adaptor |
   adaptor := AspectAdaptor forAspect: #phone.
      subject: self;
      subjectSendsUpdates: true.


id: anInteger
   id := anInteger.
   self changed: #id


name: aString
   name := aString.
   self changed: #name

Doc 19, GUIs & MVC Slide # 37

phone: aString
   phone := aString.
   self changed: #phone 

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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