SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2001
Assignment 4 Comments
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 30-Oct-01

Contents of Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments


Object-Oriented Design Heuristics, Riel, Chapters 1 & 2.

Designing Object-Oriented Software, Wirfs-Brock, Wilkerson, Wiener

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 2

Problem 1

   ^(self select: [:each | each > 0]) size

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 3

Problem 2

Class, Structs and Intelligence

A class is an abstraction that contains both:

Some Heuristics

All data should be hidden within its class

Keep related data and behavior in one place

Beware of classes that have many accessor methods defined in their public interfaces. Having many implies that related data and behavior are not being kept in one place

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 4
Sample Node Class
Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Node
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'key value left right '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'
key: aMagnitude
   key := aMagnitude
left: aNode
   left := aNode
right: aNode
   right := aNode
value: anObject
   value := anObject 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 5
How is the Node class different from a Struct?

A struct

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 6

Information Hiding - Physical and Logical

Physical Information Hiding

Physical information hiding is when a class has a field and there are accessor methods, getX and setX, setting and getting the value of the field. It is clear to everyone that there is a field named X in the class. The goal is just to prevent any direct access to X from the outside. The extreme example is a struct converted to a class by adding accessor methods. Physical information hiding provides little or no help in isolating the effects of changes. If the hidden field changes type than one usually ends up changing the accessor methods to reflect the change in type.

Logical Information Hiding

Logical information hiding occurs when the class represents some abstraction. This abstraction can be manipulated independent of its underlying representation. Details are being hidden from the out side world. Examples are integers and stacks. We use integers all the time without knowing any detail on their implementation. Similarly we can use the operations pop and push without knowing how the stack is implemented.

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 7



What the system knows
Actions that can be performed
Impact on other parts of the system and users

Evenly Distribute System Intelligence

The above Node class is struct dumb

The BinarySearchTree that uses the Node class has all the intelligence

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 8
Some Sample Intelligence for the NodePrinting

Node>>printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: '(';
      print: left;
      print: key;
      print: right;
      nextPutAll: ')'

This makes the node print a representation of tree structure

This will be printed out in the workspace and in the debugger

Very useful when writing code

One of the first things I add to a class

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 9
Some Sample Intelligence for the NodeInstance Creation Methods with Arguments

Node class>>key: aMagnitude value: anObject 
   ^super new 
      setKey: aMagnitude 
      setValue: anObject 

Some people cluttered methods with:

   newNode := Node new.
      key: aKey;
      value: aValue.
   currentNode left: newNode.
This can now be replaced by:

   newNode := Node key: aKey value: aValue.
   currentNode left: newNode.

Or by:

   currentNode left: (Node key: aKey value: aValue).

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 10
Some Sample Intelligence for the NodeParent Pointer set automatically

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Node
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'key value left right parent
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

left: aNode
   left := aNode.
   aNode parent: self
right: aNode
   right := aNode
   aNode parent: self
Now one can forget about setting parent pointers in nodes

One can replace:

currentNode left: aNode.
aNode parent: currentNode

currentNode left: aNode.

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 11

Once and Only Once

In a program written with good style, everything is aid once and only once

Kent Beck

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 12

A Solution with Smart Node and Dumb Tree


Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Node
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'key value left right '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

Instance Methods defined


CS535.Node class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

key: aKey value: anObject 
   ^super new setKey: aKey setValue: anObject 

CS535.Node class methodsFor: 'constants'

   ^KeyedCollection keyNotFoundSignal 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 13
CS535.Node methodsFor: 'initialize'

setKey: aKey setValue: anObject 
   key := aKey.
   value := anObject 

CS535.Node methodsFor: 'accessing'

at: aKey 
   aKey = key ifTrue: [^value].
   aKey < key 
         [left isNil ifTrue: [self keyNotFoundError: aKey].
         ^left at: aKey].
   aKey > key
         [right isNil ifTrue: [self keyNotFoundError: aKey].
         ^right at: aKey].

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 14
at: aKey put: anObject 
   aKey = key ifTrue: [^value := anObject].
   aKey < key 
         [left isNil 
               [left := self class key: aKey value: anObject.
         ^left at: aKey put: anObject].
   aKey > key 
         [right isNil 
               [right := self class key: aKey value: anObject.
         ^right at: aKey put: anObject] 

CS535.Node methodsFor: 'enumeration'

keysAndValuesDo: aBlock
   "Block has two parameters - key then value"
   left notNil ifTrue:[left keysAndValuesDo: aBlock].
   aBlock value: key value: value.   
   right notNil ifTrue: [right keysAndValuesDo: aBlock] 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 15
CS535.Node methodsFor: 'printing'

printOn: aStream
      nextPut: $(;
      print: left;
      print: key;
      print: right;
      nextPut: $) 
CS535.Node methodsFor: 'private'

keyNotFoundError: missingKey
   "Raise a signal indicating that the key was
   not found."
   ^self class keyNotFoundException raiseWith: missingKey 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 16


Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #BinarySearchTree
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'root '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'
CS535.BinarySearchTree class methodsFor: 'constants'

   ^KeyedCollection keyNotFoundSignal 

CS535.BinarySearchTree class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

keys: keyCollection values: objectCollection
   | tree |
   tree := super new.
      addKeys: keyCollection
      withValues: objectCollection.

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 17
CS535.BinarySearchTree methodsFor: 'accessing'

addKeys: keyCollection withValues: objectCollection
      with: objectCollection
      do: [:key :value | self at: key put: value]

at: aKey 
   root isNil ifTrue: [self keyNotFoundError: aKey].
   ^root at: aKey

at: aKey put: anObject 
   aKey isNil ifTrue: [^self subscriptBoundsError: aKey].
   root isNil 
         [root := Node key: aKey value: anObject.
   ^root at: aKey put: anObject

   |  nodeCount |
   nodeCount := 0.
   self do: [:each | nodeCount := nodeCount + 1].

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 18
CS535.BinarySearchTree methodsFor: 'enumeration'

detect: aBlock
   ^self detect: aBlock ifNone: [self notFoundError]

detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock 
   self do: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [^each]].
   ^exceptionBlock value

do: aBlock
   "Block has one parameter - value of each node"
   root isNil ifTrue:[^nil].
   root keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value | aBlock value: value] 

CS535.BinarySearchTree methodsFor: 'printing'

printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: 'BST(';
      print: root;
      nextPut: $) 

CS535.BinarySearchTree methodsFor: 'private'

keyNotFoundError: missingKey
   "Raise a signal indicating that the key was not found."

   ^self class keyNotFoundException raiseWith: missingKey

   "Raise a signal indicating that an object is not in the collection."

   ^self class notFoundSignal raise 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 19
Checking For nil nodes

How many times do you check for a nil node?

I do it 9 times!

Why do we have always check?

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 20


Ability of two or more classes of object to respond to the same message

Objects of different classes can respond to the same message in a way that is appropriate to them

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 21
Modular Design Rule

Avoid Case (and if) Statements

The same if (and case) statements tend to appear in many places

This make it hard to change the if (case) statement

Duplicating the if (case) statement takes time

One way to avoid case & if statements is to use polymorphism

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 22

Solution using Polymorphism


Replaces nil to represent an empty subtree

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #NilNode
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'parent '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

CS535.NilNode class methodsFor: 'constants'

   ^KeyedCollection keyNotFoundSignal 

CS535.NilNode class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

   self error: 'Use parent: to create an instance of ' , self name

parent: aNodeOrTree
   ^super new setParent: aNodeOrTree 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 23
NilNode Instance Methods

at: aKey 
   self keyNotFoundError: aKey

at: aKey put: anObject 
      replaceNode: self
      with: (Node key: aKey value: anObject).

keysAndValuesDo: aBlock
   "Block has two parameters - key then value" 

setParent: aNodeOrTree
   parent := aNodeOrTree 

printOn: aStream 

keyNotFoundError: missingKey
   "Raise a signal indicating that the key was not found."
   ^self class keyNotFoundException raiseWith: missingKey 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 24

Node using NilNode

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #Node
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'key value left right '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

CS535.Node class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

key: aKey value: anObject 
   ^super new setKey: aKey setValue: anObject 

CS535.Node methodsFor: 'initialize'

setKey: aKey setValue: anObject 
   key := aKey.
   value := anObject.
   left := NilNode parent: self.
   right := NilNode parent: self. 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 25
Node's Other Instance Methods

at: aKey 
   aKey = key ifTrue: [^value].
   aKey < key ifTrue: [^left at: aKey].
   aKey > key ifTrue: [^right at: aKey].

at: aKey put: anObject 
   aKey = key ifTrue: [^value := anObject].
   aKey < key  ifTrue: [^left at: aKey put: anObject].
   aKey > key ifTrue: [^right at: aKey put: anObject] 

keysAndValuesDo: aBlock
   "Block has two parameters - key then value"
   left keysAndValuesDo: aBlock.
   aBlock value: key value: value.   
   right keysAndValuesDo: aBlock 

printOn: aStream
      nextPut: $(;
      print: left;
      print: key;
      print: right;
      nextPut: $) 

replaceNode: existingNode with: newNode
   existingNode == left ifTrue:[left := newNode].
   existingNode == right ifTrue:[right := newNode]. 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 26

BinarySearchTree with NilNode

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #BinarySearchTree
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'root '
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

CS535.BinarySearchTree class methodsFor: 'instance creation'

keys: keyCollection values: objectCollection
   | tree |
   tree := self new.
      addKeys: keyCollection
      withValues: objectCollection.

   ^super new initialize 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 27
BinarySearchTree Instance Methods

addKeys: keyCollection withValues: objectCollection
      with: objectCollection
      do: [:key :value | self at: key put: value]

at: aKey 
   ^root at: aKey

at: aKey put: anObject 
   aKey isNil ifTrue: [^self subscriptBoundsError: aKey].
   ^root at: aKey put: anObject

   |  nodeCount |
   nodeCount := 0.
   self do: [:each | nodeCount := nodeCount + 1].

   "Raise a signal indicating that an object is not in the collection."

   ^self class notFoundSignal raise

replaceNode: existingNode with: newNode
   root := newNode 

detect: aBlock
   ^self detect: aBlock ifNone: [self notFoundError]

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 28
detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock 
   self do: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [^each]].
   ^exceptionBlock value

do: aBlock
   "Block has one parameter - value of each node"
   root keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value | aBlock value: value] 

printOn: aStream
      nextPutAll: 'BST(';
      print: root;
      nextPut: $) 

   root := NilNode parent: self 

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 29

Recursion and Performance

Searching an unbalanced binary search tree recursively is dangerous

Use iteration to search an unbalanced BST

Recursion is OK on a balance tree


Modify the Node and NilNode to work in an iterative search

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 30
NilNode and Performance

A BST with N keys requires N+1 NilNodes in the above implementation

It is possible to use only one NilNode per tree

In timing tests in Java using the NilNode comparable to the first solution

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 31


Formatting and Structure of Code

Indenting your code to make it readable is important

Indentation should show the structure of your code

Some bad Examples

         (currentNode isNil)
   ifTrue: [^nil]
   ifFalse: [^currentNode value]

      (currentNode isNil) ifTrue: [^nil]
                                       ifFalse: [^currentNode value]

   (currentNode isNil) 
   ifTrue: [^nil]
   ifFalse: [^currentNode value]
at: aKey put: aValue
"store aValue at aKey"
root isNil
ifTrue:[ root := blah]
ifFalse: [more blah]

In the future you will lose even more points for bad indentation

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 32
Smalltalk Standard

The template you see when creating a method is to be followed

message selector and argument names
   "comment stating purpose of message"
   | temporary variable names |
Smalltalk can format the Code for you

In the bottom pane of the browser click the right mouse button

In the pop up menu select the format item

It will format the code currently in the code pane

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 33


Avoid flags - they make code hard to read

If need flags use a good name

found what?
insert: aKey data: aValue
   | treeNode found saveNode |
   found := false.
   treeNode := root.
   [treeNode ~= nil and: [found = false]] whileTrue:
      [saveNode := treeNode.
      (aKey = treeNode key)
         ifTrue: [found := true]
            [(aKey < treeNode key)
               ifTrue: [treeNode := treeNode leftChild]
               ifFalse: [treeNode := treeNode rightChild].
   (found = false)
         [treeNode := Node key: aKey data: aValue.
         size := size + 1.
         (aKey < saveNode key)
            ifTrue: [saveNode leftChild: treeNode]
            ifFalse: [saveNode rightChild: treeNode].

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 34
Code without Flag

insert: aKey data: aValue
   | treeNode saveNode |
   treeNode := root.
   [treeNode notNil] whileTrue:
      [saveNode := treeNode.
      (aKey = treeNode key) ifTrue: [^nil].
      (aKey < treeNode key)
         ifTrue: [treeNode := treeNode leftChild]
         ifFalse: [treeNode := treeNode rightChild].
   treeNode := Node key: aKey data: aValue.
   size := size + 1.
   (aKey < saveNode key)
      ifTrue: [saveNode leftChild: treeNode]
      ifFalse: [saveNode rightChild: treeNode].

Code With Some Methods

insert: aKey data: aValue
   | child parent |
   child := root.
   parent := child.
   [child notNil] whileTrue:
      [(aKey = child key) ifTrue: [^nil].
      parent := child.
      child := parent nextNodeFor: aKey].
   parent addToSelf: (Node key: aKey data: aValue).

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 35

Use Guards to Simplify code

checkFrom: aNode toFind: aKey
   aNode isNil
         [aNode key = aKey
            ifTrue: [^aNode value]
               aKey < aNode key
                  ifTrue: [^self checkFrom: aNode leftChild toFind: aKey]
                  ifTrue: [^self checkFrom: aNode rightChild toFind: aKey]]]
      ifTrue: [^nil]
With Guards

checkFrom: aNode toFind: aKey
   aNode isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
   aNode key = aKey ifTrue: [^aNode value]
   aKey < aNode key
      ifTrue: [^self checkFrom: aNode leftChild toFind: aKey]
      ifTrue: [^self checkFrom: aNode rightChild toFind: aKey]]]

Doc 13, Assignment 4 Comments Slide # 36

Parallel Structure

Smalltalk.CS535 defineClass: #BinarySearchTree
   superclass: #{Core.Object}
   indexedType: #none
   private: false
   instanceVariableNames: 'root nodesInOrderedCollection'
   classInstanceVariableNames: ''
   imports: ''
   category: 'Course-Assignment'

Parallel structures are hard to maintain in sync

Just use one

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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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