SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2000
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© 2000, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 24-Aug-00

Contents of Doc 1, Introduction


Object-Oriented Software Construction , Bertrand Meyer, Prentice Hall, 1988

Object-Oriented Software Development: A Practical Guide, Mark Lorenz, Prentice Hall, 1993

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 2


History and Languages

1967 Simula

1970 to 1983 Smalltalk developed

1979 Common LISP Object System

1980 Stroustrup starts on C++

1981 Byte Smalltalk issue

1983 Objective C

1986 C++

1987 Actor, Eiffel

1991 C++ release 3.0

199x Volumes of OO books/articles

1992 Refactoring thesis at UIUC
1995 Design Patterns, Squeak

1996 Java

1998 Extreme Programming

2000 Camp Smalltalk, C#

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 3
Other OO Languages

Perl 5
Modula 3
Smalltalk Venders
Cincom, IBM, Quasar, Disney
Ada 95
Object Pascal (Delphi)
Object X, X = Fortran, Cobol, etc.

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 4


Approach to developing software

Methodologies encompass
Step-by-step methods
Graphical notation
Documentation techniques
Principles, guidelines, policies
Object-Oriented Design (OOD) Booch

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis (OOSA) Shlaer & Mellor

Object Modeling Technique (OMT) Rumbaugh et al.

Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) Coad & Yourdon
Hierarchical Object Oriented Design (HOOD) European Space Agency, HOOD Working Group

Responsibility-Driven Design (CRC) Wirfs-Brock et al.

Object-Oriented Software Engineering (Objectory) Jacobson


Rational Unified Process (RUP) Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh

Extreme Programming (XP) Kent Beck, Ron Jeffries

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 5
Goals of the Course

Learn how to program using classes and objects

Produce quality software

Quality and Development Time

The right end of the graph with high quality and high development time is found in projects like the Space Shuttle. The software on the shuttle has to work correctly all the time. One cannot reboot while the shuttle is in orbit. Most students and many(most?) companies are on the left side of the graph. They could reduce development by producing better software.

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 6
The University is not a Software Development Company

Faculty and Students

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 7

Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity


Decompose problem into smaller subproblems
that can be solved separately

Example: Top-Down Design

Counter-example: Initialization Module

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 8
Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity


Freely combine modules to produce new systems

Examples: Math libraries
Unix command & pipes

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 9
Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity


Individual modules understandable by human reader

Counter-example: Sequential Dependencies

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 10
Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity


Small change in specification results in:

Changes in only a few modules

Does not affect the architecture

Example: Symbolic Constants

const MaxSize = 100

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 11
Meyer's Criteria for Evaluating for Modularity


Effects of an abnormal run-time condition is confined to a few modules

Example: Validating input at source

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 12

Principles for Software Development

KISS Keep it simple, stupid

The simplest thing that could possible work


Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 13
Small is Beautiful
See page 185 of Object-Oriented Software Development: A Practical Guide more information about these guidelines.

Upper bound for average size of an operation

Lines of Code



Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 14
Code Size and Complexity

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 15
Applications of Principles

First program:

   class HelloWorldExample 
      public static void main( String args[] ) 
         System.out.println( "Hello World" );

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 16

Some Defintions

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 17


“Extracting the essential details about an item or group of items, while ignoring the unessential details.”
Edward Berard

“The process of identifying common patterns that have systematic variations; an abstraction represents the common pattern and provides a means for specifying which variation to use.”
Richard Gabriel


Pattern:    Priority queue
Essential Details:   length 
   items in queue 
   operations to add/remove/find item
Variation:   link list vs. array implementation
   stack, queue

Doc 1, Introduction Slide # 18


Enclosing all parts of an abstraction within a container

Information Hiding

Hiding parts of the abstraction


Strength of interaction between objects in system


Degree to which the tasks performed by a single module are functionally related

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2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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