SDSU CS 696 Emerging Technologies: Distributed Objects
Spring Semester, 1998
JavaBean Intro

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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 23-Apr-98

Contents of Doc 30, JavaBean Intro

  1. References
    1. JavaBean(TM) Intro
    2. JavaBean References
    3. What is a JavaBean(TM)?
  2. Events
CS 696 Doc 30 JavaBean Intro


JavaBeans(TM) Specification Version 1.01, July 24, 1997, Graham Hamilton, editor, Sun Microsystems

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 2

JavaBean(TM) Intro
JavaBean References

I will be using the following references:
Sun Documentation
The following references are available at:
JavaBeans(TM) Specification Version 1.01, July 24, 1997, Graham Hamilton, editor, Sun Microsystems

Using the Beans Development Kit 1.0: A Tutorial, Alden DeSoto, September 1997, Sun Microsystems

Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) Version 1.0, Vlada Matena & Mark Harper, March 21, 1998 8:54 am, Sun Microsystems is a useful Web page for information about JavaBeans(TM)
Developing Java Beans, Englander, O'Reilly, 1997

JavaBeans(TM) Developer's Reference, Dan Brookshier, New Rider, 1997

Creating JavaBeans(TM): Components for Distributed Applications, Mark Watson, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 3

What is a JavaBean(TM)?

"A JavaBean is a reusable software component that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool."

Beans may or may not have a GUI component

A builder tool may:
operate entirely visually
enable users to conveniently write Java classes that interact with and control a set of beans
may provide a simple scripting language to allow easy high-level scripting of a set of beans

The BeanBox, part of the Beans Development Kit (BDK), is a sample container for testing and connecting beans

The BDK is on rohan (/opt/BDK) and available at
What is a software Component?

"Components are self-contained elements of software that can be controlled dynamically and assembled to form applications."

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 4
Features that distinguish a JavaBean

Allows a builder tool to analyze how a bean works
The appearance and behavior of a bean can be customized

Used to connect beans together

For customization and for programmatic use

Allow the customized state to be saved and reloaded later

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 5
Beans v. Class Libraries

"Not all useful software modules should necessarily turn into beans"

"Beans are appropriate for software components that can be visually manipulated and customized to achieve some effect."

"Class libraries are an appropriate way of providing functionality that is useful to programmers, but which doesn't benefit from visual manipulation."

"The JDBC database access API is a class library rather
than as a bean"

"JDBC is essentially a programmatic API and not something that can be directly presented for visual manipulation."

"You might write a "select" bean that at customization time helped a user to compose a select statement, and then when the application is run uses JDBC to run the select statement and display the results."
Security Issues

Java Beans use the standard Java security model

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 6
Java Beans & Distributed Computing

Java Bean components is that they run in the same virtual machine as the container or application that contains it

Java Beans can access remote machines/object/beans via:
Standard socket based client/server
Java RMI
"We expect that the use of Java RMI will be a very common way for writing Java Beans within networked systems."
Java IDL
JDK 1.2 contains an implementation of Java IDL, which implements the CORBA distributed object model
Allows Java code, hence Java Beans, access to SQL

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 7

Java Beans should assume that they are being run in a multi-threaded environment

Each bean must deal with threads properly

Visible beans should use the internationalization of strings feature of JDK 1.1 when they display text

Invisible beans may also display text in a builder tool, so should also internationalize that text
Alternate type views of a bean

In the current Bean architecture a bean is a single object

In the future a bean can consist of a set of cooperating objects

Use static methods of java.beans.Beans to test beans for their class and to cast beans to different types

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 8
java.beans.BeansMethods (All static)

getInstanceOf(Object, Class)
From a given bean, obtain an object representing a specified type view of that source object.

instantiate(ClassLoader, String)
Instantiate a bean
Test if we are in design-mode

isInstanceOf(Object, Class)
Check if a bean can be viewed as a given target type
Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an application builder environment
Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an environment where GUI interaction is available

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 9
JavaBeans Interfaces, Classes & ExceptionsInterfaces

BeanDescriptor PropertyChangeEvent
Beans PropertyChangeSupport
EventSetDescriptor PropertyDescriptor
FeatureDescriptor PropertyEditorManager
IndexedPropertyDescriptor PropertyEditorSupport
Introspector SimpleBeanInfo
MethodDescriptor VetoableChangeSupport


While JavaBeans does have its own API much of JavaBean architecture consists of standard Java API

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 10


Events provide a mechanism for plugging bean components together application builder
Example - No Events
class Clock extends Thread
   long durationBetweenTicks;
   SimDay calender;
   public Clock( long millisecondsPerTimeUnit, SimDay aDay )
      calender = aDay;
      durationBetweenTicks  = millisecondsPerTimeUnit;
      setPriority( Thread.MAX_PRIORITY );
   public void run()
         while (true)
            sleep( durationBetweenTicks );
      catch ( InterruptedException simulationOver )
         { return;}

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 11
class SimDay
   int day = 0;
   int hour = 0;
   Clock myClock;
   public SimDay()
      myClock = new Clock( 20, this );
   public void start()
   public void  advanceHour()
      if (hour == 23)
         hour = 0;
   public String toString()
      return "Day: " + day + " Hour: " + hour;

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 12
public class Test
   public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception 
      SimDay test = new SimDay();
      System.out.println( test);
      for ( int k = 0; k <10; k++ )
         System.out.println( test);

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 13
Using Events Notification
public class TimeAdvancedEvent extends java.util.EventObject
   public TimeAdvancedEvent( Clock source)
      super( source );

interface  TimeAdvancedListener extends java.util.EventListener
   void timeAdvanced( TimeAdvancedEvent timeEvent );

class Clock extends Thread
   long durationBetweenTicks;
   Vector listeners = new Vector();
   public Clock( long millisecondsPerTimeUnit )
      durationBetweenTicks  = millisecondsPerTimeUnit;
      setPriority( Thread.MAX_PRIORITY );
   public synchronized void addTimeAdvancedListener(
          TimeAdvancedListener listener )
      listeners.addElement( listener );

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 14
    public synchronized void removeTimeAdvancedListener( 
         TimeAdvancedListener listener )
      listeners.removeElement( listener );
   protected void notifyListeners()
      TimeAdvancedEvent time = new TimeAdvancedEvent(this);
      for ( int k = 0; k < listeners.size(); k++)
         TimeAdvancedListener aListener = 
            (TimeAdvancedListener) listeners.elementAt( k );
         aListener.timeAdvanced( time );
   public void run()
         while (true)
            sleep( durationBetweenTicks );
      catch ( InterruptedException simulationOver )
         { return;}

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 15

class SimDay implements TimeAdvancedListener
   int day = 0;
   int hour = 0;

   public void timeAdvanced( TimeAdvancedEvent timeEvent )
   public void start(Clock myClock)
      myClock.addTimeAdvancedListener( this );
   public void  advanceHour()
      if (hour == 23)
         hour = 0;
   public String toString()
      return "Day: " + day + " Hour: " + hour;

Doc 30, JavaBean Intro Slide # 16
 public class Test
   public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception 
      SimDay test  = new SimDay();
      Clock aClock = new Clock( 50 );
      System.out.println( test);
      test.start( aClock );
      for ( int k = 0; k <10; k++ )
         System.out.println( test);

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