SDSU CS 635 Advanced Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester, 2002
Interpreter & Factory Method
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© 2002, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 15-Apr-02


Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, 1995, pp. 107-116, 243-256

The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion, Alpert, Brown, Woolf, 1998, pp. 63-89

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 2


Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language


Given a language defined by a simple grammar with rules like:

R ::= R1 R2 ... Rn

you create a class for each rule

The classes can be used to construct a tree that represents elements of the language

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 3

Example - Boolean Expressions

BooleanExpression ::= 
               Variable       | 
               Constant       |
               Or                |
               And             |
               Not             |

And    ::= BooleanExpression ‘and’ BooleanExpression
Or       ::= BooleanExpression ‘or’ BooleanExpression
Not       ::= ‘not’ BooleanExpression

Constant ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
Variable ::= String

public interface BooleanExpression{
   public boolean evaluate( Context values );
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
                            BooleanExpression replacement );
   public Object clone();
   public String toString();

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 4
Sample Use

public class Test {
   public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception  {
      BooleanExpression left = 
         new Or(  Constant.getTrue(), Variable.get( "x" ) );
      BooleanExpression right = 
         new And(  Variable.get( "w" ), Variable.get( "x" ) );
      BooleanExpression all = new And(  left, right );
      System.out.println( all );
      Context values = new Context();
      values.setValue( "x", true );
      values.setValue( "w", false );
      System.out.println( all.evaluate( values ) );
      System.out.println( all.replace( "x", right ) );

((true or x) and (w and x))
((true or (w and x)) and (w and (w and x)))

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 5

And ::= BooleanExpression ‘&&’ BooleanExpression

public class And implements BooleanExpression {
   private BooleanExpression leftOperand;
   private BooleanExpression rightOperand;
   public And( BooleanExpression leftOperand, 
               BooleanExpression rightOperand) {
      this.leftOperand = leftOperand;
      this.rightOperand = rightOperand;
   public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
      return leftOperand.evaluate( values ) && 
             rightOperand.evaluate( values ); 
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
          BooleanExpression replacement ) {
      return new And( leftOperand.replace( varName, replacement),
               rightOperand.replace( varName, replacement) );
   public Object clone() {
      return new And( (BooleanExpression) leftOperand.clone( ),
               (BooleanExpression)rightOperand.clone( ) );
   public String toString(){
      return "(" + leftOperand.toString() + " and " +
             rightOperand.toString() + ")";

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 6

Or ::= BooleanExpression ‘or’ BooleanExpression

public class Or implements BooleanExpression {
   private BooleanExpression leftOperand;
   private BooleanExpression rightOperand;
   public Or( BooleanExpression leftOperand, 
               BooleanExpression rightOperand) {
      this.leftOperand = leftOperand;
      this.rightOperand = rightOperand;
   public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
      return leftOperand.evaluate( values ) ||  
            rightOperand.evaluate( values ); 
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
          BooleanExpression replacement ) {
      return new Or( leftOperand.replace( varName, replacement),
               rightOperand.replace( varName, replacement) );
   public Object clone() {
      return new Or( (BooleanExpression) leftOperand.clone( ),
               (BooleanExpression)rightOperand.clone( ) );
   public String toString() {
      return "(" + leftOperand.toString() + " or " +
             rightOperand.toString() + ")";

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 7

Not ::= ‘not’ BooleanExpression

public class Not implements BooleanExpression {
   private BooleanExpression operand;
   public Not( BooleanExpression operand) {
      this.operand = operand;
   public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
      return  ! operand.evaluate( values ); 
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
       BooleanExpression replacement ) {
      return new Not( operand.replace( varName, replacement) );
   public Object clone() {
      return new Not( (BooleanExpression) operand.clone( ) );
   public String toString() {
      return "( not " +  operand.toString() + ")";

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 8
Constant ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’

public class Constant implements BooleanExpression {
   private boolean value;
   private static Constant True = new Constant( true );
   private static Constant False = new Constant( false );
   public static Constant getTrue() {
      return True;
   public static Constant getFalse(){
      return False;
   private Constant( boolean value) {
      this.value = value;
   public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
      return  value; 
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
          BooleanExpression replacement ) {
      return this;
   public Object clone() {
      return this;
   public String toString() {
      return String.valueOf( value );

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 9
Variable ::= String

public class Variable implements BooleanExpression {
   private static Hashtable flyWeights = new Hashtable();
   private String name;
   public static Variable get( String name ) {
      if ( ! flyWeights.contains( name ))
         flyWeights.put( name , new Variable( name ));
      return (Variable) flyWeights.get( name );
   private Variable( String name ) { = name;
   public boolean evaluate( Context values ) {
      return values.getValue( name ); 
   public BooleanExpression replace( String varName,
          BooleanExpression replacement ) {
      if ( varName.equals( name ) )
         return (BooleanExpression) replacement.clone();
         return this;
   public Object clone() {
      return this;
   public String toString() { return name; }

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 10

public class Context {
   Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
   public boolean getValue( String variableName ) {
      Boolean wrappedValue = (Boolean) values.get( variableName );
      return wrappedValue.booleanValue();
   public void setValue( String variableName, boolean value ) {
      values.put( variableName, new Boolean( value ) );

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 11


It's easy to change and extend the grammar

Implementing the grammar is easy

Complex grammars are hard to maintain

Adding new ways to interpret expressions

The visitor pattern is useful here


The pattern does not talk about parsing!


Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 12

Factory Method

A template method for creating objects

Example - Maze Game

Classes for Mazes

Now a maze game has to make a maze

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 13
Maze Class Version 1
class MazeGame
   public Maze createMaze()
      Maze aMaze = new Maze();
      Room r1 = new Room( 1 );
      Room r2 = new Room( 2 );
      Door theDoor = new Door( r1, r2);
      aMaze.addRoom( r1 );
      aMaze.addRoom( r2 );
      return aMaze;

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 14
How do we make other Mazes?

Subclass MazeGame, override createMaze

class BombedMazeGame extends MazeGame
   public Maze createMaze()
      Maze aMaze = new Maze();
      Room r1 = new RoomWithABomb( 1 );
      Room r2 = new RoomWithABomb( 2 );
      Door theDoor = new Door( r1, r2);
      aMaze.addRoom( r1 );
      aMaze.addRoom( r2 );

Note the amount of cut and paste!

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 15
How do we make other Mazes?

Use Factory Method

class MazeGame
   public Maze makeMaze() { return new Maze(); }
   public Room makeRoom(int n ) { return new Room( n ); }
   public Wall makeWall() { return new Wall(); }
   public Door makeDoor() { return new Door(); }
   public Maze CreateMaze()
      Maze aMaze = makeMaze();
      Room r1 = makeRoom( 1 );
      Room r2 = makeRoom( 2 );
      Door theDoor = makeDoor( r1, r2);
      aMaze.addRoom( r1 );
      aMaze.addRoom( r2 );
      return aMaze;

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 16
Now subclass MazeGame override make methods

CreateMaze method stays the same

class BombedMazeGame extends MazeGame
   public Room makeRoom(int n ) 
      return new RoomWithABomb( n ); 
   public Wall makeWall() 
      return new BombedWall(); 

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 17


Use when

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 18


Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 19


Two Major Varieties

   abstract class MazeGame
      public Maze makeMaze();
      public Room makeRoom(int n );
      public Wall makeWall();
      public Door makeDoor();
   class MazeGame
         virtual Maze* makeMaze() = 0;
         virtual Room* makeRoom(int n ) = 0;
         virtual Wall* makeWall() = 0;
         virtual Door* makeDoor() = 0;

See examples on previous slides

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 20
Implementation - Continued

Parameterized Factory Methods

Let the factory method return multiple products

class Hershey 
   public Candy makeChocolateStuff( CandyType id )
      if ( id == MarsBars ) return new MarsBars();
      if ( id == M&Ms ) return new M&Ms();
      if ( id == SpecialRich ) return new SpecialRich();
      return new PureChocolate();

class GenericBrand extends Hershey
   public Candy makeChocolateStuff( CandyType id )
      if ( id == M&Ms ) return new Flupps();
      if ( id == Milk ) return new MilkChocolate();
      return super.makeChocolateStuff();

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 21

C++ Templates to Avoid Subclassing

template <class ChocolateType>
class Hershey 
      virtual Candy* makeChocolateStuff( );
template <class ChocolateType>
Candy* Hershey<ChocolateType>::makeChocolateStuff( )
   return new ChocolateType;
Hershey<SpecialRich> theBest;

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 22
Java forName and Factory methods

With Java's reflection you can use a Class or a String to specify which type of object to create

Using a string replaces compile checks with runtime errors

class Hershey 
   private String chocolateType;
   public Hershey( String chocolate )
      chocolateType = chocolate;
   public Candy makeChocolateStuff( )
      Class candyClass =  Class.forName( chocolateType );
      return (Candy) candyClass.newInstance();
Hershey theBest = new Heshsey( "SpecialRich" );

Doc 14, Interpreter & Factory Method Slide # 23
Clients Can Use Factory Methods

class CandyStore
   Hershey supplier;
   public restock()
      if ( chocolateStock.amount() < 10 )
            supplier.makeChocolateStuff() );

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2002 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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