SDSU CS 683 Emerging Technologies
Spring Semester, 2001
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San Diego State University -- This page last updated 17-May-01

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FLOAT (Integration & Some MySQL), 9, 33
Familiarity verse Comfort (Refactoring Intro), 5
FileDirectory (Streams & Files), 10
FileStream (Streams & Files), 13
Fileouts (Classes), 40
FillInTheBlankMorph (Perform & Menu), 4
Float (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 8
Form Template Method (Code Smells), 4
Forms (Squeak GUI), 9
Fraction (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 9
Functional Tests (Testing & Debugging), 2
false (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 2
floor (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 10
fork (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 18

General Settings (Using Squeak), 11
Guard Clause (Assignment 1 Problem 3 Comments), 6
Guard Clause (Assignment 2 & 3 Comments), 14
getSelectionSelector (Squeak GUI), 18
getTextSelector (Squeak GUI), 18

Heap (Collections), 3
How to Use the Debugger (Testing & Debugging), 10
halt (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 6
halt (Testing & Debugging), 14

IEEE-754 (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 8
INT (Integration & Some MySQL), 9, 32
Identifiers (Starting Squeak), 13
Indented Control Flow (Assignment 1 Problem 3 Comments), 4
Indented Control Flow (Assignment 2 & 3 Comments), 12
Indexing (Integration & Some MySQL), 13
Infinity (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 8
Inheritance (Classes), 14
Integers (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 7
Intention Revealing Selector (Coding Patterns), 9
Interfaces (Classes), 37
Interval (Collections), 2
Introduce Assertion (Refactoring Intro), 24
Introduce Null Object (Extreme Programming Overview), 13
Introduce Null Object (Refactoring Intro), 23
Introduce Parameter Object (Code Smells), 9
ifFalse: (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 20
ifTrue: (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 20
includes: (Collections), 13
inject:into: (Collections), 23
inspect it (Using Squeak), 7
isNil (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 4

JdmResultSet (Integration & Some MySQL), 29
Johnson's Law (Testing & Debugging), 2
Just-in-time compilers (Starting Squeak), 3

Keyword Messages (Starting Squeak), 18
keysAndValuesDo: (Collections), 18

LONGBLOB (Integration & Some MySQL), 10
Lazy Initialization (Coding Patterns), 27
Like (Integration & Some MySQL), 20
Line Wrap (Assignment 1 Problem 3 Comments), 3
Line Wrap (Assignment 2 & 3 Comments), 11
LinkedList (Collections), 3
Literal Array Creation (Collections), 6
Long Method (Code Smells), 7

MEDIUMBLOB (Integration & Some MySQL), 10
MEDUIMINT (Integration & Some MySQL), 9
MVC (Using Squeak), 3
Menus (Perform & Menu), 5
MessageNotUnderstood (Exceptions), 3
Morphic (Using Squeak), 3
Morphic (Morphic Intro), 2
Morphic Menus (Using Squeak), 4
methods (Classes), Class, 2
modulo (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 10
mouse button (Using Squeak), blue, 2

NaN (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 8
Notification (Exceptions), 3
Numbers (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 7
new (Collections), 4
new: (Collections), 4
nil (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 2
notNil (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 4

Object (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 3
Observer (Squeak GUI), 12
Once and Only Once (Coding Patterns), 2
OrderedCollection (Collections), 2
occurencesOf: (Collections), 13
outer (Exceptions), 13

Pen (Squeak GUI), 3
Perfect Lawn (Refactoring Intro), 4
PluggableButtonMorph (Squeak GUI), 21
PluggableListMorph (Pluggable Lists & TextViews), 2
PluggableTextMorph (Squeak GUI), 18
Precedence (Starting Squeak), 19
Preserve Whole Object (Code Smells), 10
Projects (Using Squeak), 3
Pseudo-Variables (Classes), 4
pass (Exceptions), 13
perform: (Perform & Menu), 3
print it (Using Squeak), 7
printOut (Classes), 39
printString (Some Data Types and Control Structures), 4
printString (Classes), 33

Copyright © 2001 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
All rights reserved.

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