SDSU CS 535 Object-Oriented Programming & Design
Fall Semester, 2000
Distributing System Intelligence
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© 2000, All Rights Reserved, SDSU & Roger Whitney
San Diego State University -- This page last updated 18-Sep-00

Contents of Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence


The Art of Computer Programming , Vol 3 Sorting and Searching, Knuth

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 2

Distributing System Intelligence

A Tree Example


Implement a binary search tree with operations:
put( int key, Object value )
Puts the specified value into the tree, using the specified key.
get( int key )
Gets the object associated with the specified key in the tree.
Returns a string representation of the tree
( leftSubtree root rightSubtree )


Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 3

Solution 0 SmartTree, StructNode


class StructNode 
   public StructNode left = null;
   public StructNode right = null;
   public int key;
   public Object value;

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 4

Solution 1 SmartTree, DumbNode


class DumbNode 
   protected DumbNode left = null;
   protected DumbNode right = null;
   protected int key;
   protected Object value;
   public DumbNode( int key, Object value )
      this.key = key;
      this.value = value;

SmartTree Fields
package sdsu.trees;
import java.util.*;
public class SmartTree
   protected DumbNode root = null;
   // Methods shown later

Since everyone has implemented a tree search I do not show put and get methods

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 5
SmartTree MethodsPreorder Traversal

1) Print "(" then Visit left subtree
2) Print node
3) Visit right subtree, then print ")"

Applying rule we get:

(   left subtree   5   right subtree   )
(   (3)   5   (   left subtree   8   right subtree    )   )
(   (3)   5   (    (6)   8   (9)   )   )

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 6
SmartTree MethodstoString() Helper Class

The following three pages implement a standard algorithm to perform a preorder traversal of a binary tree. Check any data structures text. You will find this implementation in the book. The point is to show how long and complex this is. You do not have to understand it.

Need to store path of nodes visited on a stack with which visit we are on: first, second or third

public class TraversalInfo
   public DumbNode node;
   public int visitNumber;
   public TraversalInfo( DumbNode nodeTraversed, int visitNumber )
      node = nodeTraversed;
      this.visitNumber = visitNumber;
Constants for toString()

private final static int FIRST = 1;
private final static int SECOND = 2;
private final static int THIRD = 3;

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 7
SmartTree MethodstoString(): Simple Algorithm

public String toString()
   StringBuffer treeString = new StringBuffer();
   TraversalInfo currentLocation;
   Stack visited = new Stack();
   visited.push( new TraversalInfo( root, FIRST ) );
   while ( visited.empty() != true )
      currentLocation = (TraversalInfo) visited.pop();
      switch ( currentLocation.visitNumber )
         case FIRST:
            treeString.append( "(" );
            firstVisit( visited, currentLocation );
         case SECOND:
            treeString.append( currentLocation.node.key );
            secondVisit( visited, currentLocation );
         case THIRD:
            treeString.append( ")" );
   return treeString.toString();

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 8
SmartTree MethodstoString(): continued

protected void firstVisit( Stack visited, TraversalInfo currentLocation )
   DumbNode nextnode;
   currentLocation.visitNumber = SECOND;
   visited.push( currentLocation );
   if ( currentLocation.node.left != null )
      nextnode = currentLocation.node.left;
      visited.push( new TraversalInfo( nextnode, FIRST )  );
protected void secondVisit( Stack visited, 
                        TraversalInfo currentLocation )
   DumbNode nextnode;
   currentLocation.visitNumber = THIRD;
   visited.push( currentLocation );      
   if ( currentLocation.node.right != null )
      nextnode = currentLocation.node.right;
      visited.push( new TraversalInfo( nextnode, FIRST )  );

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 9

Solution 2 DumbTree, BSTNode

1) Let the nodes do some work
2) Add some nil leaves to eliminate some cases

Class StructureInheritance

Runtime Structure

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 10
Preorder Traversal - Basic Idea


Get the preorder of left subtree, right subtree,
Put key in middle

   public String toString()
      return "(" + left.toString()  + key +  right.toString() + ")";


Represents an empty node

Action is to do nothing

   public String toString()
      return "";

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 11


package sdsu.trees;
public class DumbTree
   protected TreeNode root = null;
   public Object get( int key )
      if ( root == null )
         return null;
      return root.getNode( key ).value();
   public Object put( int key, Object value )
      if ( root == null )
         root = new BSTNode( key, value );
         return null;
      return root.getNode( key ).put( key, value );
   public String toString()
      return root.toString();

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 12


abstract class TreeNode
    * Puts the specified key & value in this node
   abstract public Object put( int key, Object value );
    * Return the value of the TreeNode
   abstract public Object value();
    * If keyToFind is in the subtree rooted at this node, then return 
    * node containing keyToFind.
    * Otherwise return the NilLeaf that should contain keyToFind  
   abstract public TreeNode getNode( int key );
    * Return an ascii representation of tree rooted at this node
   abstract public String toString();

There is no common code or methods between BSTNode and NilLeaf

TreeNode could be either an interface or an abstract class

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 13


class BSTNode extends TreeNode
   protected TreeNode left;
   protected TreeNode right;
   protected int key;
   protected Object value;
   public BSTNode( int key, Object value )
      this.key = key;
      this.value = value;
      left = new NilLeaf( this );
      right = new NilLeaf( this );
    * Return the value of the TreeNode
   public Object value()
      return value;
    * Return an ascii representation of tree rooted at this node
   public String toString()
      return "(" + left.toString()  + key +  right.toString() + ")";
Note how simple the toString() method is here!

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 14
BSTNode Continued

   public Object put( int keyToAdd, Object valueToAdd )
      Object oldValue = value;
      value = valueToAdd;
      return oldValue;
    * If keyToFind is in the subtree rooted at this node, then return 
    * node containing keyToFind.
    * Otherwise return the NilLeaf that should contain keyToFind  
   public TreeNode getNode( int keyToFind )
      if ( keyToFind < key )
         return left.getNode( keyToFind );
      else if ( keyToFind > key )
         return right.getNode( keyToFind );
         return this;
    * Puts indicated key and value in proper child of this node
   protected void putAsChild( int keyToAdd, Object valueToAdd )
      if ( keyToAdd < key )
         left = new BSTNode( keyToAdd, valueToAdd );
      else if ( keyToAdd > key )
         right = new BSTNode( keyToAdd, valueToAdd );

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 15


class NilLeaf extends TreeNode
   protected BSTNode parent;
   public NilLeaf( BSTNode parent )
      this.parent = parent;
   public Object put( int key, Object value )
      parent.putAsChild( key, value );
      return null;
   public Object value()
      return null;
   public TreeNode getNode( int key )
      return this;
   public String toString()
      return "";

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 16

How Does this Work?

DumbTree example = new DumbTree();
example.put( 5, null );
example.put( 3, null );
example.put( 8, null );
// Now add a 1

example.put( 1, null );
// In DumbTree's put( 1, null ) method does:
   return root.getNode( 1 ).put( 1, null );

// in BSTNode with key 5 method getNode( 1 ) does:
      if ( 1 < 5 )
         return left.getNode( 1 );
      else if ( 1 > 5 )
         return right.getNode( 1 );
         return this;

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 17
Example Continued

// in BSTNode with key 3 method getNode( 1 ) does:
      if ( 1 < 3 )
         return left.getNode( 1 );
      else if ( 1 > 3 )

// in NilNode method getNode( 1 ) does:

      return this;

// in BSTNode with key 3 method getNode( 1 ) does:
      if ( 1 < 3 )
         return left.getNode( 1 );

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 18
Example Continued

// in BSTNode with key 5 method getNode( 1 ) does:
      if ( 1 < 5 )
         return left.getNode( 1 );

// In DumbTree's put( 1, null ) method does:
   return root.getNode( 1 ).put( 1, null );

// in NilNode method put( 1, null ) does:
      parent.putAsChild( 1, null );
      return null;

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 19
Example Continued

// in BSTNode with key 3 method putAsChild( 1, null ) does:
      if ( 1 < 3 )
         left = new BSTNode( 1, null );
      else if ( 1 > 3 )

// in NilNode method put( 1, null ) does:
      parent.putAsChild( 1, null );
      return null;

// In DumbTree's put( 1, null ) method does:
   return root.getNode( 1 ).put( 1, null );

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 20


Number of classes34
Number of methods6[2]18[3]

SmartTree is centralized

DumbTree distributes the logic in the tree structure

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 21

Avoid Case (and if) Statements

Implementation that avoids if statements by sending a message to an object

NilLeaf returns a null string;

   public String toString()
      return "(" + left.toString()  + key +  right.toString() + ")";

Implementation that uses if statements

   public String toString()
      String treeRepresentation;
      treeRepresentation = "(";
      if ( left != null )
         treeRepresentation = treeRepresentation + left.toString();
      treeRepresentation = treeRepresentation + left.toString();
      if ( right != null )
         treeRepresentation = treeRepresentation + right.toString();
      treeRepresentation = treeRepresentation + ")";
      return treeRepresentation;

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 22

Issues: Performance

Have you lost your mind?

NilLeaf doubles the space requirement
DumbTree's recursive like search requires considerable stack space
DumbTree's recursive like search is slower than SmartTree's iterative search

NilLeaf doubles the space requirement

True, but one only needs NilLeaf per tree

Recursion requires considerable stack space

This is true of any recursive solution

Simulations indicate Metroworks Java implementation runs out of stack space after about 8,200 recursive calls to the same method

See AVLTree

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 23
DumbTree is slower than SmartTreePerformance Test

Insert ints from 1 to N into each tree

Look up each int once

Times are measured on a PowerMac 7100/80

Times are in milliseconds

Timing Results

N ->4008001600
SmartTree create26410644342
DumbTree create31412905681
SmartTree find all26110494197
DumbTree find all27211935370

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 24
More Timing Results

N ->4008001600
SmartTree create26410644342
DumbTree create31412905681
DumbAVLTree create4694196
Hashtable create4282165
Opt. Hashtable create2557102
SmartTree find all26110494197
DumbTree find all27211935370
DumbAVLTree find all112350
Hashtable find all3061127
Opt. Hashtable find all142754

SmartTree is a binary search tree using iterative search

DumbTree is a binary search tree using recursive search

DumbAVLTree is an AVL tree using recursive search

Hashtable is Java's standard Hashtable with methods synchronized

Opt. Hashtable is Java's standard Hashtable with synchronization removed

Doc 7, Distributing System Intelligence Slide # 25
[1]What is a line of code (LOC)? Do you count a "{" as a line of code? For this comparison I selected a method of counting made easy by my word processor: I counted the number of ";" in the code.
[2]Originally firstVisit and second visit methods did not exist. They were added just to make each method fit on one slide. Hence I did not count them as methods for this comparison.
[3]This includes the abstract class

Copyright ©, All rights reserved.
2000 SDSU & Roger Whitney, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-7700 USA.
OpenContent license defines the copyright on this document.

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